
Total Note Registry Points: 19,286 Rank: 482

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Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Australia, 1923-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 20 mtboz 37001608 274 6/21/2021310


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Germany, 1904-1945 Issues, Complete, P8-P214 7 MTBGermany 623002295 226 6/21/2021389


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Rhodesia, 1964-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 5 morganthebraverhodesia 1911005071 588 6/21/2021511


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Vietnam Complete, 1946-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes 6 morganthebravevietnam 26340010189 3490 1/10/2023689
National Bank of Viet of Nam, 1951-1958 Issue, Issued Notes, P59-P74 2 mtb05 185001382 1382 6/21/2021311
Tin Phieu, Credit Notes, 1946-1950 Issue, Issued Notes, P43-P58 2 mtb06 5200236 236 1/6/2020257
National Bank of Viet Nam, 1951-1953 Issue, Issued Notes, P59-P66 4 mtb07 455001382 1382 6/21/2021347
State Bank of Vietnam, 1976-1994 Issue, Issued Notes, P79-P117 4 mtb08 14700388 388 1/6/2020302
State Bank of Vietnam, 2001-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 5 mtb09 1100205 205 1/6/2020268
Vietnam Polymer Issues, 2001-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 6 mtb010 1100205 205 1/6/2020345

Vietnam - South

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Republic of Vietnam, 1955-1975, P1-P36, Issued Notes 16 mtbs 520069 59 6/21/2021353

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