Kriks from Estonia

Total Note Registry Points: 342,454 Rank: 40

Kriks from Estonia's Bio
I am a banknote collector from Estonia. I have collected actively for more than 20 years now. Up until few years ago I collected only Estonian banknotes and banknotes that circled in Estonia, but then I graduated to collecting other countries also. Mostly I am collecting banknotes from "island" countries of the world. I will try put up sets when I have something to show for.

If anybody have something interesting from Estonia to offer please contact me, since I am always looking for Estonian banknotes. If someone wishes Estonian banknotes then I have gathered many more than listed here under my doubles sets so don't hesitate to ask.

Greetings from Estonia!


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Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Aruba Complete, Type Set, 1986-Date, Issued Notes 6 Aruba banknotes Kriks Est 369604247 -11 9/5/2024118


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Bahamas, 1897-Date, PA4B-Date, Issued Notes, Type Set 11 Bahamas Kriks Est 1312605210 272 9/20/202483


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Belize, 1974-Date, Issued Notes, Complete 8 Belize Kriks Est 1616007083 1747 12/1/2024111


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Brunei Type Set, 1967-Date, P1-Date, Issued Notes 6 Brunei banknotes Kriks Est 30121032488 584 8/2/2024340
Kerajaan Brunei, 1967-1987, P1-P12, Issued Notes 5 Kerjaan Brunei Kriks Est 256521845 584 8/2/2024174


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Journey Series, 2001-2011, Including Replacements, BC62-68 5 Canada Journey Banknotes Kriks Est 175501288 0 10/29/2022105

Cayman Islands

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Cayman Islands, 1971-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes 11 Cayman Islands Kriks Est 2712504933 330 9/20/2024106


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Chad Complete Set, P1-P12 11 Chad banknotes Kriks Est 7110251 0 10/26/2022269


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Comoros Complete, 1960-Date, P2-Date 12 Comoros Kriks Est 275401681 345 8/14/202485


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Cyprus, 1914-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 9 Cyprus Kriks Est 66413724 0 9/29/202354

Czech Republic

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Czech Republic, 1993-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes 3 Czech Republic Kriks Est 206301581 674 10/2/202371


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Danzig Complete, 1914-Date, P1-Date 6 Danzig Kriks Est 43001983 1983 3/22/202468

East Caribbean States

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
East Caribbean States, 1965-Date, Issued Notes, Complete 9 East Caribbean Kriks Est 629009311 1412 12/1/202489


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Estonia, 1919-Date, PA1-Date, Issued Notes Est Heritage Kriks II 56007440 725 8/18/202441
Estonia, 1919-Date, PA1-Date, Issued Notes 1 Estonian Heritage Kriks Est 5760581242812 1048 8/20/20241136
Estonia, 1919-Date, PA1-Date, Issued Notes 6 Estonian Heritage Kriks Est doubles 23246313971 1569 10/29/2023589
Bank Of Estonia, 1991-2008, Issued Notes, P69-P90 6 Estonian Heritage Kroonid 95212164718 -179 6/2/2024546
Bank Of Estonia, 1991-2008, Issued Notes, P69-P90 8 Estonian Heritage Kroonid Repl 81181773767 0 11/1/2022283
Bank Of Estonia, 1919-2008, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 1 Estonian Heritage Varieties 4669681345858 -179 6/2/2024365
Republic Debt Obligations of 5% Interest, 1919-1920, PA1-P38A, Issued Notes (No Specimen) 1 Estonian Heritage 5 % Wõlakohustused 29121209959 725 10/28/2022394
Republic Of Estonia Treasury Notes, 1919-1923, P39-P52, Issued Notes (No Specimen) 1 Estonian Heritage Kassatähed 832626618960 3886 10/28/2022402
Estonian Banknote Set, 1919-1923, P55-P60, Issued Notes (No Specimen) 1 Estonian Heritage Pangatähed 6188011333 1012 10/28/2022395
Eesti Pank (Bank of Estonia), 1928-1940 Issue, P62-P68, Issued Notes (No Specimen) 5 Estonian Heritage kroons -1940 1007604937 55 10/23/2022528
Estonia, 1919-Date, Specimen, Complete, Including Varieties 3 Estonian Banknotes Specimen Complete 2034291433760 -570 10/14/2024518
Republic Of Estonia Treasury Notes, 1919-1923, Specimen, Complete, Including Varieties 2 Estonian Heritage Kassatähed Specimen 441511313143 304 4/28/2023293
Estonian Banknote Set, 1919-1923, Specimen, Complete, Including Varieties 4 Estonian Heritage Pangatähed Specimen 233319038 0 10/29/2022361
Eesti Pank (Bank of Estonia), 1928-1940 Issue, Specimen, Complete, Including Varieties 3 Estonian Heritage kroons -1940 Specimen 751212107102 -570 10/14/2024402

European Union

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
European Central Bank, Type Set, 2002-Date, P1-Date 7 European Union 279327620 2553 6/10/2023385
European Central Bank, Estonia, 2002-Date, Complete 1 Estonian Heritage Euro 40222935 0 10/29/20221100
European Central Bank, Finland, 2002-Date, Complete (S/N=L) 1 Finland Euros Kriks 264203686 2297 6/10/202391

Falkland Islands

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Falkland Islands, P1-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 5 Falkland Islands Kriks Est 451612112605 719 12/1/2024345
Queen Elizabeth II Portrait Set, 1960-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 3 Falkland Islands QE II Set Kriks Est 721612112605 719 12/1/202475


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Suomen Pankki, Finlands Bank, 1897-Date, P1-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes 1 Finland Banknotes Kriks Est 263525713917 3195 9/20/2024316
Suomen Pankki, Finlands Bank, 1897-Date, P1-Date, Specimen Only 1 Finland Specimens Kriks EST 12202241 886 10/31/2022152

French Pacific Territories

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French Pacific Territories, 1992-Date, P1-Date 2 French Pacific Kriks 877503716 1981 3/22/2024117


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
State Loan Bank East, Posen (Poznan,) 1916 Issue, R120-R126, Complete, Including Varieties 1 Estonian Heritage Posen 426624575 1216 11/19/2022146
State Loan Bank East, Kowno (Kuanas,) 1918 Issue, R127-R134 1 Estonian Heritage Kowno 756624218 0 10/29/2022373


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Queen Elizabeth II, 1975-Date, Issued Notes 13 Gibraltar Kriks Est 165003760 1216 12/1/202454

Isle Of Man

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Isle Of Man,1924-Date, Issued Notes, Complete 5 Isle of Man - Est 2011913464 234 6/6/2024148


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1941-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 14 Jersey Est 105521232 0 10/30/2022113


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Latvia Complete, 1919-Date, P1-Date 1 Latvian Banknotes 462616110653 898 9/20/2024238
Latvian Government Currency Note Set 1 Latvian Walsts Kases Sihme Complete Kriks Est 3813504430 1155 9/23/202429
Riga’s Workers Deputies Soviet, 1919 Issue, R1-R4 1 Rigas Workers Banknotes Kriks Est 75330359 359 10/29/202276


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Lesotho, Type Set, 1979-Date, Issued Notes 2 Lesotho Complete Kriks Est 4012522345 560 9/23/2024116


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Bank Of Lithuania, 1922-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes 4 Lithuanian banknotes Kriks Est 553727411761 489 8/18/2024356
Talonas Animal Set, 1991-Date, P31-Date 3 Lithuanian Talonas Kriks Est 6811711226 230 9/30/2023121


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Banky Foiben' I Madagasikara, 1983-Date, P67-Date, Complete, Including Varieties 2 Madagascar Kriks Est 161130951 175 3/25/202468


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Malaysia Complete, Type Set, 1967-Date, P1-Date 18 Malaysia Kriks Est 108702106 269 5/11/202491


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Maldives, 1947-Date, Issued Notes, Type Set 6 Maldives Kriks EST 70221554507 560 5/2/2024161
Maldives Monetary Authority, P1-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 5 Maldives Complete Kriks EST 50282065069 560 5/2/2024189
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