
Total Note Registry Points: 49,446 Rank: 268

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Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Angola Complete, 1909-Date, P27-Date 4 avnotes Angola Complete 0100294 294 1/17/202476
Portuguese Administration, Banco De Angola, 1927-1973, P72-P108 3 avnotes Banco De Angola 2100294 294 1/17/202481


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Australia, 1923-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 23 sorethumb Australia Complete 0100881 -54 7/14/202487
King George VI, 1938-1952 Series, P25-P28 8 sorethumb Australia King George VI 6100881 881 1/14/202490
Commonwealth Bank of Australia, 1923-1959 Issues, P10-P32 11 sorethumb Commonwealth Bank of Australia 2100881 881 1/14/202480


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Bahamas, 1897-Date, PA4B-Date, Issued Notes, Type Set 16 sorethumb Bahamas 1897-Date 22002210 3734 1/14/202489
Commonwealth, 1953-1965 Series Set, P13-P25 13 sorethumb Bahamas Commonwealth 00000 0 1/14/202486


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Bahrain, 1964-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 27 avnotes Bahrain Complete 210063 63 1/17/202473
Bahrain Monetary Agency Set, 1973-2001, P7-P24 11 avnotes Bahrain Monetary Agency 510063 63 1/17/202481


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Belize, 1974-Date, Issued Notes, Complete 13 sorethumb Belize 1974-Date 22002144 2144 1/14/202497
Government Of Belize, 1974-1976, P33-P37 6 sorethumb Belize Government 122002144 2144 1/14/202484


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Shilling & Pound Set, 1914-Date, P1-Date 5 sorethumb Bermuda Shilling & Pound Set 62002315 2315 1/14/202472
King George VI Portrait Series, 1937-1947, P8-P17 3 sorethumb Bermuda King George VI 51001202 1202 1/14/202469
Bermuda Government, 1914-1970 Series, P1-P27 6 sorethumb Bermuda Government 42002315 2315 1/14/202476

British Caribbean Territories

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
British Caribbean Territories, Type Set, 1950-Date 5 sorethumb British Caribbean Territories Type Set 81001115 1115 1/14/202478
Queen Elizabeth II, 1953-Date, Issued Notes, Complete 4 sorethumb British Caribbean Territories QEII 51001115 1115 1/14/202473

British Honduras

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
British Honduras Complete, P1-P32, Issued Notes 3 sorethumb British Honduras Complete 103001886 515 4/1/202497
King George VI Portrait Set, P20-P27 1 sorethumb British Honduras King George VI 7100292 292 1/14/202476
Queen Elizabeth II Portrait Set, P28-P32, Issued Notes 3 sorethumb British Honduras QEII 132001594 515 4/1/202480

Cayman Islands

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Cayman Islands, 1971-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes 18 sorethumb Cayman Islands Type Set 63001334 1334 1/14/202494
Currency Board Set, 1971-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 6 sorethumb Cayman Islands Complete 62001199 1199 1/14/2024117


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Bank of Communications, 1941 Issue, P156-P163 5 avnotes Bank of Communications 12100190 190 1/17/202461
People's Bank of China, People's Republic, Type Set, 1953-Date, Issued Notes 48 avnotes People's Bank of China Type Set 1100223 223 1/17/202475
Peoples Bank of China, 1953-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 17 avnotes People's Bank of China Complete 0100223 223 1/17/202494
People's Bank of China, Commemorative Issues, 1999-Date, P902-Date 21 avnotes People's Bank of China Commemoratives 12100223 223 1/17/202490

China - Hong Kong SAR

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Type Set, 1911-Date, P41-Date, Issued Notes 37 avnotes Hong Kong Complete Type Set 12001206 1206 1/18/202466
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Set, 1993-Date, P201-Date, Issued Notes 11 avnotes HSBC 1100646 646 1/18/202482


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Comoros Complete, 1960-Date, P2-Date 24 sorethumb Comoros BOTR 5100546 546 1/19/202470

East Caribbean States

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
East Caribbean States, 1965-Date, Issued Notes, Complete 21 sorethumb East Caribbean States Complete 0200900 794 4/1/202494
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, Type Set, 1985-Date, Issued Notes 7 sorethumb Eastern Caribbean Type Set 4200900 794 4/1/202480

Falkland Islands

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Falkland Islands, 1938-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 13 sorethumb Falkland Islands Complete 113002182 2182 1/14/202482
Queen Elizabeth II Portrait Set, 1960-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 16 sorethumb Falkland Islands QEII 133002182 2182 1/14/202496


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Fiji Government, 1937-1951 Issue, P37-P43, Issued Notes 3 sorethumb Fiji Government 1937-1951 282001321 586 1/15/202473
Fiji Government, 1953-1967 Issue, P51-P57, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties 5 sorethumb Fiji Govt. 1953-67 Issued Complete 21001004 1004 4/1/202480
Central Monetary Authority, 1974 ND Issue, Specimen, P70-P75 4 sorethumb Fiji Specimens 1974 161001853 -83 1/15/202467
Reserve Bank of Fiji, 2007 ND Issue, Specimen, P109-P114 3 sorethumb Fiji Specimens 2007 161001459 1459 1/14/202462


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
1906-1997 Issue, P68-P160 24 sorethumb France BOTR 1906-97 1100216 216 1/19/202485
Banque De France Set, 1906-1997 Issue, P68-P160 33 sorethumb France BOTR Set Issue 0100216 216 1/19/202459


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Gibraltar, 1914-Date, Issued Notes 10 sorethumb Gibraltar 1914-Date 85004100 1010 4/1/202492
Queen Elizabeth II, 1975-Date, Issued Notes 11 sorethumb Gibraltar QEII 165004100 1010 4/1/202499

Great Britain

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Great Britain, 1902-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes 28 sorethumb GB 1902-Date 33001058 -234 1/25/202582
Bank Of England, 1902-Date, Complete, Including Varieties 25 sorethumb GB BofE 1902-Date 13001058 -234 1/25/2025106
Bank Of England, 1929-Date, Complete, Including Varieties 1 sorethumb GB BofE 1929-Date 23001058 -234 1/25/202583
Queen Elizabeth II Portrait Set, 1960-Date, Complete, Including Varieties 26 sorethumb GB QEII 43001058 -234 1/25/202592
Great Britain, 1902-Date, 5 Pounds, Type Set, Issued Notes 2 sorethumb GB Fivers 11200564 -234 1/25/202579


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
British Administration, 1895-Date, P1A-Date 6 sorethumb Guernsey British Administration 5200774 512 1/16/202459
States Of Guernsey, 1945;1956-Date, Issued Notes 15 sorethumb States of Guernsey 8200774 774 1/15/202469


Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Ulster Bank Limited, 1929-Date, Issued Notes 5 avnotes Ulster Bank 1100969 969 1/18/202458

Isle Of Man

Set TypeRankSet Name%Note CountImgDesc.Score+/-Last Mod.Views
Isle Of Man,1924-Date, Issued Notes, Complete 9 sorethumb Isle of Man Complete 32001317 1317 1/15/202460
Queen Elizabeth II, 1961-2023, Issued Notes, Complete 9 sorethumb Isle of Man QEII 42001317 1317 1/15/202475
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