CGC Registry

The CGC Comic Registry is a free online community where collectors register and display their comics, interact with other collectors, and compete for awards and recognition. Participants can display their CGC-certified comics in pre-defined Competitive Sets, where they�ll receive a point value associated with scarcity, desirability and certified grade.

Set Name
Set Goals
Outpost_comics Masters of Terror 7/16/2024 7/16/2024 011
sagii Charlton Bronze Horror Gems 6/2/2024 6/2/2024 066
Paul © ® ⚽️💙™ Paul's ATLAS Books 11/10/2021 5/3/2024 1051717
Paul © ® ⚽️💙™ Paul's PCH PORTFOLIO 12/31/2018 5/3/2024 3273030
ChanceDuncan 2006 Army of Darkness Display my groovy comics 8/3/2023 3/4/2024 022
Famous Monsters Forryever Elroy's Famous Monsters of Filmland Collect mid-to-high grade CGC graded copies of Famous Monster's Issues 1-33 including variations. Would like to have each issue equal to or greater than the CGC grade average for that issue. 3/22/2021 2/24/2024 205111120
komikkris Zombies We're Human too 2/20/2024 2/20/2024 022
Paul © ® ⚽️💙™ Paul's WHITE GOLD 12/16/2022 8/12/2023 111
cstill504 Leather Covers 8/6/2023 8/6/2023 002
Spencer Jones Bluegrass Horror Collection 6/6/2023 6/6/2023 1717
Parabellum The Walking Dead Keys 4/29/2023 4/29/2023 04041
Parabellum Hellboy 4/29/2023 4/29/2023 088
Parabellum The Goon 4/29/2023 4/29/2023 01010
slshrflck Trick 'r Treat 3/4/2023 3/4/2023 002
GAM Precode Horror Ultimate stretch goal is to assemble a collection of all precode horror comics as itemized in the appendix of Greg Sadowski and John Benson's book "Four Color Fear". 1,371 books, ordered by publisher and title, are as follows: ACE Publications (97 Issues) Baffling Mysteries 5 to 24 (Nov. 1951 - Jan. 1955) The Beyond 1 to 30 (Nov. 1950 - Jan. 1955) Challenge of the Unknown 6 (Sep. 1950) Hand of Fate 8 to 25(2) (Dec. 1951 - Mar. 1955) Web of Mystery 1 to 27 (Feb. 1951 - Nov. 1954) AMERICAN COMICS GROUP (119 Issues) Adventures into the Unknown 1 to 61 (Fall 1948 - Jan.-Feb. 1955) The Clutching Hand 1 (July - Aug. 1954) Forbidden Worlds 1 to 34 (July-Aug. 1951 - Oct.-Nov. 1954) Out of the Night 1 to 17 (Feb. - Mar. 1952 - Oct.-Nov. 1954) Skeleton Hand 1 to 6 (Sep.-Oct. 1952 - July-Aug. 1953) AJAX-FARRELL (62 Issues) Fantastic Fears 7, 8, 3 to 9 (May 1953 - Sep.-Oct. 1954) Fantastic 10, 11 (Nov.-Dec. 1954 - Jan.-Feb. 1955) Haunted Thrills 1 to 18 (June 1952 - Nov.-Dec. 1954) Strange Fantasy 2(1), 2 to 14 (Aug. 1952 - Oct.-Nov. 1954) Voodoo 1 to 18 (May 1952 - Nov.-Dec. 1954) Voodoo Annual 1 (1952) ATLAS (389 Issues) Adventures into Terror 43,44, 3 to 31 (Nov. 1950 - May 1954) Adventures into Weird Worlds 1 to 30 (Jan. 1952 - June 1954) Amazing Detective Cases 11 to 14 (Mar. 1952 - Sep. 1952) Amazing Mysteries 32,33 (May 1949 - July 1949) Astonishing 6 to 37 (Oct. 1951 - Feb. 1955) Captain America's Weird Tales 74,75 (Oct. 1949 - Feb. 1950) Journey into Mystery 1 to 22 (June 1952 - Feb. 1955) Journey into Unknown Worlds 4 to 33 (Apr. 1951 - Feb. 1955) Marvel Tales 93 to 131 (Aug. 1949 - Feb. 1955) Menace 1 to 11 (Mar. 1953 - May 1954) Men's Adventures 21 to 26 May 1953 - Mar. 1954) Mystery Tales 1 to 26 (Mar. 1952 - Feb. 1955) Mystic 1 to 36 (Mar 1951 - Mar. 1955) Spellbound 1 to 23 (Mar. 1952 - June 1954) Strange Tales 1 to 34 (June 1951 - Feb. 1955) Suspense 3 to 29 (May 1950 - Apr. 1953) Uncanny Tales 1 to 28 (June 1952 - Jan. 1955) Venus 14 to 19 (June 1951 - Apr. 1952) AVON (30 Issues) City of the Living Dead nn (1952) The Dead Who Walk nn (1952) Diary of Horror 1 (Dec. 1952) Eerie 1 (Jan. 1947) Eerie 1 to 17 (May 1951 - Aug.-Sep. 1954) Night of Mystery nn (1953) Phantom Witch Doctor 1 (1952) Secret Diary of Eerie Adventures nn (1953) Witchcraft 1 to 6 (Mar. 1952 - Mar. 1953) CHARLTON (32 Issues) Strange Suspense Stories 16 to 22 (Jan.-Feb. 1954 - Nov. 1954) The Thing 1 to 17 (Feb. 1952 - Nov. 1954) This is Suspense 23 (Feb. 1955) This Magazine is Haunted 15 to 21 (Mar. 1954 - Nov. 1954) COMIC MEDIA Horrific 1 to 13 (Sep. 1952 - Sep. 1954) Terrific 14 (Dec. 1954) Weird Terror 1 to 13 (Sep. 1952 - Sep. 1954) DS/PL (3 Issues) Weird Adventures 1 to 3 (May-June 1951 - Sep.-Oct. 1951) EC (91 Issues) Crypt of Terror 17 to 19 (Apr.-May 1950 - Aug.-Sep. 1950) Haunt of Fear 15 to 17, 4 to 28 (May-June 1950 - Nov.-Dec. 1954) Tales from the Crypt 20 to 46 (Oct.-Nov. 1950 - Feb.-Mar. 1955) Tales of Terror Annual 1 to 3 (1951 - 1953) Three-Dimensional Tales from the Crypt of Terror 3-D no. 2 (Spring 1954) Vault of Horror 12 to 40 (Apr.-May 1950 - Dec. 1954-Jan. 1955) FAWCETT (42 Issues) Beware Terror Tales 1 to 8 (May 1952 - July 1953) Strange Tales from Another World 2 to 5 (Aug. 1952 - Feb. 1953) Strange Suspense Stories 1 to 5 (June 1952 - Feb. 1953) This Magazine is Haunted 1 to 14 (Oct. 1951 - Dec. 1953) Unknown World 1 (June 1952) Worlds Beyond 1 (Nov. 1951) Worlds of Fear 2 to 10 (Jan. 1952 - June 1953) FICTION HOUSE (13 Issues) Ghost Comics 1 to 11 (1951 - 1954) The Monster 1, 2 (1953) FOX (1 Issue) A Star Presentation 3 (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) (May 1950) GILLMOR (1 Issue) Weird Mysteries 1 to 12 (Oct. 1952 - Sep. 1954) HARVEY (96 Issues) Black Cat Mystery 30 to 53 (Aug. 1951 - Dec. 1954) Chamber of Chills 21 to 24, 5 to 26 (June 1951 - Dec. 1954) Thrills of Tomorrow 17, 18 (Oct. 1954 - Dec. 1954) Tomb of Terror 1 to 16 (June 1952 - July 1954) Witches Tales 1 to 28 (Jan. 1951 - Dec. 1954) HILLMAN (1 Issue) Monster Crime Comics 1 (Oct. 1952) KEY (3 Issues) Weird Chills 1 to 3 (July 1954 - Nov. 1954) MASTER (22 Issues) Dark Mysteries 1 to 22 (June 1951 - Mar. 1955) PREMIER (2 Issues) Horror from the Tomb 1 (Sept. 1954) Mysterious Stories 2 (Dec. 1954) PRIZE (53 Issues) Black Magic 1 to 33 (Oct.-Nov. 1950 - Nov.-Dec. 1954) Frankenstein 18 to 33 (Mar. 1952 - Oct.-Nov. 1954) Strange World of Your Dreams 1 to 4 (Aug. 1952 - Jan.-Feb. 1953) QUALITY (22 Issues) Intrigue 1 (Jan. 1955) Web of Evil 1 to 21 (Nov. 1952 - Dec. 1954) STANDARD (31 Issues) Adventures into Darkness 5 to 14 (Aug. 1952 - June 1954) Out of the Shadows 5 to 14 (July 1952 - Aug. 1954) The Unseen 5 to 15 (1952 - July 1954) STANLEY MORSE (27 Issues) Mister Mystery 1 to 19 (Sep. 1951 - Oct. 1954) Weird Tales of the Future 1 to 8 (Mar. 1952 - July 1953) STAR (36 Issues) Blue Bolt Weird Tales 111 to 119 (Nov. 1951 - May-June 1953) Ghostly Weird Stories 120 to 124 (Sep. 1953 - Sep. 1954) Spook 22 to 30 (Jan. 1953 - Oct. 1954) Startling Terror Tales 10 to 14, 4 to 11 (May 1952 - Nov. 1954) STERLING (2 Issues) The Tormented 1,2 (July 1954 - Sep. 1954) STORY (36 Issues) Fight Against Crime 9 to 21 (Sep. 1952 - Sep. 1954) Mysterious Adventures 1 to 23 (Mar. 1951 - Dec. 1954) ST. JOHN (25 Issues) Amazing Ghost Stories 14 to 16 (Oct. 1954 - Feb. 1955) House of Terror 1 (Oct. 1953) Nightmare 3, 10 to 13 (Oct. 1953 - Aug. 1954) Strange Terrors 1 to 7 (June 1952 - Mar. 1953) Weird Horrors 1 to 9 (June 1952 - Oct. 1953) SUPERIOR (53 Issues) Journey into Fear 1 to 21 (May 1951 - Sep. 1954) Mysteries (Weird and Strange) 1 to 11 (May 1953 - Jan. 1955) Strange Mysteries 1 to 21 (Sep. 1951 - Jan. 1955) TOBY (14 Issues) Tales of Horror 1 to 13 (June 1952 - Oct. 1954) Tales of Terror 1 (1952) YOUTHFUL/TROJAN (22 Issues) Beware 10 to 16, 5 to 14 (June 1952 - Mar. 1955) Chilling Tales 13 to 17 (Dec. 1952 - Oct. 1953) ZIFF-DAVIS (8 Issues) Eerie Adventures 1 (Winter 1951) Nightmare 1,2 (Summer 1952 - Fall 1952) Weird Thrillers 1 to 5 (Sep. 1951 - Oct.-Nov. 1952) 9/5/2016 2/25/2023 9661919
PenguinComics Ghost Stories-Dell 2/20/2023 2/20/2023 0214
PenguinComics Nightmare vol. 1 1/31/2023 1/31/2023 002
underw0rld Gothic Nights 1/9/2023 1/9/2023 011
Gary Strange Eternity Frankenstein 12/8/2022 12/8/2022 035
underw0rld Death 11/26/2022 11/26/2022 022
Tarcraft Haunt of Horror: Lovecraft 11/6/2022 11/6/2022 002
Tarcraft Shadows on the Grave Love his work and slowly getting the series slabbed. 2/13/2018 10/22/2022 27102
tgauthiernc Draculina 9/1/2022 9/1/2022 011
Vanix Australian Horror Magazines To create a unique of collection of magazines that will most likely never be graded by others or be seen graded by collectors. Comprising a mix of beautifully presented magazines, famous industry artists, beautiful woman and vile beast covers with true rarity. 8/3/2022 8/4/2022 144
Mr. Fixit Toe Tags 11/9/2021 2/23/2022 3801
StuporMan Horror Headlights 11/2/2019 2/15/2022 1891212
Bobscomics7 MyHorror 1/22/2022 1/22/2022 161010
zrco Walking Dead Sketch Edition 9/12/2018 6/24/2020 2682121
Voodoo Jim Bubba the Redneck Werewolf 3/28/2020 3/28/2020 15301
Voodoo Jim Ghost Stories 3/28/2020 3/28/2020 14501
Juggernaut1981 Dead Among Us To collect Full Run and All variants 11/25/2019 11/25/2019 17311
TAZ694L69 Walking Dead 191-193 8/26/2019 8/26/2019 15801
Saucer Angel 8/14/2019 8/14/2019 16802
Horrorman Harvey Pre-code Horror 2/16/2019 8/3/2019 2801116
davidmlharris702 High Roller Hoard 7/29/2019 7/29/2019 178014
echo Sounds In The Dark Keep looking for the books that interest me, 6/14/2019 6/14/2019 19908
TheSurgeon Pre Code Horror 3/18/2019 3/18/2019 19344
X_Phile Creature Comforts 6/20/2018 6/20/2018 28766
Bowtiebuilder Elvira 3/25/2018 5/26/2018 32011
X_Phile XF Bondage Madness 10/14/2017 4/18/2018 3982323
Voodoo Jim The Dead 1/31/2018 1/31/2018 24207
X_Phile Horror Favorites 1/16/2017 10/30/2017 42688
rdf128 Walking Dead rdf 8/26/2017 8/26/2017 25802
Timothy W. Haskins II Vampirella I.P.C. UK Editions from Warren To collect graded Vampirella Warren I.P.C. UK colour issues. 4/16/2017 4/16/2017 70711
C23 George Romero's Empire of the Dead 3/12/2017 3/12/2017 33601
joeker211 Walking dead 12/25/2016 12/25/2016 36902
SSD4 The Walking Dead Comic Series 4/22/2016 12/6/2016 377015
3trench3 Crossed + 100 Numbered Edition CGC 9.8 8/17/2016 8/17/2016 40207
Heyitslonestar Legion of Monsters 6/15/2016 6/15/2016 34301
Hellmouth The Legion of Monsters To obtain high grade copies of 1st appearances and key moments of any characters or groups associated with The Legion of Monsters. 10/31/2014 5/12/2016 658013
frankenwick various monsters more more more 11/21/2014 4/19/2016 449011
House of M House of M Collection Nightvision 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 44611
House of M House of M Collection 777: the Wrath 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 44311
House of M House of M Collection Trauma Comics 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 41244
House of M House of M Collection Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 31411
KRYPTOHUNTER The Walking Dead 3/30/2015 3/30/2015 42401
miraclemet The Ladies in White 11/16/2014 11/16/2014 46922

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