Comic Description:
Spirit 6 Universal
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Owner's Description
This issue has my personal favorite Lou Fine Spirit cover on it. Mainly because of the character detail and also because of the long awaited departure from the blue background Spirit covers of issues 2-5 that began to grow redundant. This particular copy was originally slabbed as the Tom Reily (SF) Pedigree copy with Off-White pages. Because of the late date at which it was published and the absence of a Reily Stamp, the notation was removed from the slab but not forgotten. This issue does infact have crisp pages, a G distributors mark and according to those who have held it, is very rigid: Features, I am told, that are often found in the Reily pedigree. Another explanation which I like, circles around a confusion that arose because of another SF collection. I am told that there was a gentleman selling books as a San Francisco collection possibly at the same time the Reilys were on the market. They were also in excellent condition and had a local distributors mark on them. The confusion comes about by the fact that books from this second collection were being called San Francisco copies. One of the things the gentleman who was selling the non Reily books did was to pencil prices on the back of the comics. This issue indeed has one of these prices on it. So perhaps this book is from a different SF collection.(If my facts are off let me know. I am recalling a conversation I had with Mark H at CGC and I may have the story wrong.) Either way it is a welcome addition to CW's Spirits as one of the highest graded books in the collection.