Comic Description: Shadowhawk 1 Qualified
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 0257064010
Owner: com1cbook


Custom Sets: Com1cbooks
Sets Competing: This comic is not competing in any sets.
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

I love image. I hate Shadowhawk.

To me Shadowhawk represents the worst of every high-concept (He rips out their spine!), low-quality, gimmick ridden cliche that derailed the comic book industry in the 90s.

I got this back from CGC yesterday.

I picked this book off the shelf the day it was released because I thought it was novel. Today I cherish the metaphor. When you strip away the die-cut foil, and remove the embossing from the cover. Shadowhawk was nothing more than the big smudge of ink you see here.

My first Manufacturing Error, and my first Qualified label.

If you like MEs then I hope you enjoy this one.
If you hate Shadowhawk, then I hope you enjoy it even more!

Clearly this cover missed a pass through the die-cut foil machine, and I guess the same machine probably does the embossing as well. My only disappointment is that while the label states MANUFACTURED WITHOUT SILVER FOIL ON COVER, I wish it would have also noted the missing embossing.

The effect is pretty dramatic for multiple reasons:
1. Of course Shadowhawks chromey helmet is now a flat white.
2. The mysterious WHO IS words are missing due to the absence of the embossing.
3. The artist signatures were also embossed and are therefore missing.
4. And the overprinting of the black obfuscates the Image logo and price, etc...

Not to be confused with the newsstand variant which was printed in flat grays.

This is pretty cool for a hardcore Image collector like me, and a 9.8 to boot. Its a keeper.

Image #1

Image #2

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