Comic Description:
Amazing Spider-Man 252 Modern
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Owner's Description
And put on a happy face, cue the music! 1st Black Costume. I was excited to get this issue early on, it has become a prize in my collection, despite how many copies are out there. This is such an important issue that will string Spidey along for years to come! This Amazing Fantasy Homage is fun and different, like melted faces different when it hit LCS stands. People rushed to the counter to purchase! We have to take the estimate of 9.6 and the authentication of blue label! Still, it's a fondness for the costume that is the winner story here. Keeping it for a long time? I'm thinking I will, its climbed in value in grade, that and I wouldn't pay that much to replace it having read the story. A fun item, that DOES have a lot of collecting focus. A very pivotal moment in comics history. Even in off-white to white pages. Act fast with what you have available, and it never takes a back seat. Be wise and shrewd! There is a lot of room for these books in nostalgia born collectors from that age, me included.
Complete with a back cover picture of the prescreen pass before released to theaters of, "Mortal Engines!" A dystopian like future film, like symbiotes need hosts, where entire cities are mass killing machines that need their hosts to live. Taking down a peg, by somehow making all things equal with robotics as opposed to symbiotes. They translate well to comics and film, although it is the symbiotes that still have heroes amongst them with the Black Costume among them!
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