Comic Description: Newstime nn Modern
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 0502341004
Owner: Iconic1s


Custom Sets: Iconic1s Custom Doomsday Set!
Sets Competing: This comic is not competing in any sets.
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

I've had this book for awhile and am glad it got added to the competitive set... I had a raw copy of this book since it came out but could never find a decent copy to send to CGC. For awhile it seemed like there were raw copies in just about every bargain bin of every store I walked into but I could never find a nice clean copy. I finally came across this on eBay years ago and grabbed it. I bought this book long before I even considered building a CGC Registry set, it was just a time when I was gathering pretty much any Doomsday related collectibles that I could find. I did not even consider how rare graded copies may be; right now there are only a total of eight graded and only two are 9.8. I don't remember exactly what I paid for this but I do remember it not being very much. I like this book because I feel it adds a bit of formal commemoration to Superman's death. I do feel a little guilty about stealing Clark Kent's mail though!

I also think its funny that Lex Luthor took out an advertisement for his airline on the back of the very magazine commemorating The Death of Superman...

Once again #1 in the Skies over Metropolis
, faster than a speeding bullet, and an unchallenged leader...

The entire ad shows how happy Luthor is at the fact that Superman seems to be deceased. At the very least it's super passive aggressive!


Up in the Sky!

Luthor is still a jerk!

*Thanks go out to fellow board member Brandon Shepherd for concurring with my forum request that this book be added to the Registry set. I also appreciate Mollie taking the time to discuss the addition with the Graders. I might not have been allowed to share this Newstime book here if not for Mollie and Brandon's help. Thank you!

When I asked to add this book I was pretty new to the Registry and had also asked to add a few others that I now realize clearly don't belong here... I was a noob and Brandon and Mollie helped square me away! Here is a link to my post, which includes Mollie's reply:

I had this book reholdered in March 2021.

*I'm really proud of the work that guys like Brandon and I did to add/remove books from the set and get it re-named and ordered correctly, as well as guys like onlyweaknesskryptonite for adding some rare books like Superman: The Man of Steel 20 second printing to it, that no one else had even seen before! The good old days!

Note - I eventually removed this copy from my competitive set when I was given a second 9.8 copy from a friend... I have both copies in this Custom Set because I think that is pretty cool! The descriptions remain fairly close except for the second copy explains where I got that copy and why I swapped them out.

Image #1

Image #2

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