Man of the DC Universe
Action Comics 686 Second Printing
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Comic Description:
Action Comics 686 Universal
Page Quality:
Certification #:
Brandon Shepherd
Owner's Description
Funeral for a Friend Part 6: “Who's Buried in Superman's Tomb?"
Cover Date: February 1993
Second Printing
Roger Stern story, Jackson Guice cover
Jackson Guice & Denis Rodier art
Guardian (Jim Harper) & Supergirl (Matrix) appearance.
Grade Date: 06/28/2019
Acquired: 09/24/2019
1 of 1 in Universal 9.8 when purchased.
My childhood reader copy is a second printing of this issue, I still have it. Little did I know then that it was one of the rarest DC Universe logo variants. For years I wondered if a copy of this elusive second printing would ever surface in 9.8 grade, in September of 2019 one finally appeared on eBay, with a $1000 asking price. That price was too rich for my blood, I started negotiating and the seller and I worked out a good deal. This special piece is one of the Crown Jewels of my Death and Return of Superman set. I owe Iconic1s my gratitude, he had the means and desire for this book when it was first listed but he held off, giving me a chance. Thank you, friend.
Story continued in Superman: The Man of Steel #21 (3/93).