(Bagge 1:10 Variant)
Page Quality: White
Writer: Matt Kindt
Page Art: Renato Guedes
Cover Art: Peter Bagge
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: 16 Aug 2017
Print Run: Less than 8,692 Copies
(Comichron Feb 15 sales data)
GRADE | Univ- | Qual- | Sign- | Rest- | Total |
CGC 9.9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
CGC 9.8 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
CGC 9.6 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
DIVINITY, a lost Russian cosmonaut newly returned to Earth with god-like powers, has successfully restored the world to order after the reality-altering event known as the Stalinverse. But how can a man – even one with near-divine abilities – know for certain that the planet has been truly restored in full? To make sure, Divinity must bear witness to the world as it now stands – heroes, villains, gods, and all – to ensure the rightful order of the Valiant Universe!
The only issue of the Divinity story that was NOT drawn by Hairsine, inked by Winn, and colored by Baron. This issue was both drawn and colored by Renato Guedes, and featured life-like artistic renderings with fantastic colors to create a visually stunning comic book experience. The events of this story lead directly into Eternity #1, which features the return of the original art team. It is NOT a "zero" issue in the traditional sense, which would normally be an origin story. Rather, Divinity #0 serves as a bridge between Divinity III: The Stalinverse and Eternity. This variant was somewhat difficult to obtain in 9.8, as I purchased multiple raw copies in search of one worth submitting. My first submission failed; however, persistance paid off eventually!Below is an example of Renato's interior page art.