Star Wars: The Original Marvel Years
Star Wars 1 35 Cent Price Variant
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Comic Description:
Star Wars 1 Universal
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Certification #:
Kir Kanos
Owner's Description
The Star Wars #1 35 cent variant (along with issues #2, 3 and 4) have always seemed shrouded in mystery for me. I have seen online info about the rarity of these books. I have read posts that described the price variants being a test of price increases by shipping a small percentage of higher priced issues to select cities to measure consumer response.
Over the years, I have looked for official documentation to describe why the price variants existed and what cities hosted the tests. Because of this interest - I included an image of a letter from Sol Brodsky, Vice President of Operations for Marvel Comics Group. This letter was dated from May 19th, 1978. I am very thankful to the Flying Donut Trading Company for posting this letter (source: ). I assume the Flying Donut Trading Company is also FlyingDonut from the CGC boards (who has provided beyond valuable info over the years).
This letter is special for two reasons. The 1st is that it verifies that the price variants were a “test”. The 2nd reason is that it confirms that Memphis, TN was one of SIX (6) cities selected for this test.
Other test cities from 35 cent variant websites included:
- Toledo, OH,
- Tuscaloosa, AL,
- Wilmington, NC, and
- San Antonio, TX (less references list this city though).
I would totally love to find other references to back this info up too someday.