For This Is the Day... That a Superman Died
Action Comics 684
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Action Comics 684 Signature
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I always felt that the art on this cover seemed almost separate from the rest of the series. The lines seemed lighter and it has more of a colored sketch feel to it. I'm not saying that I don't like it, just that it feels different from the rest of the books in this series continuity-wise.
I really like the Metropolis sign in the background and the fact that it indicates Doomsday is getting closer to those closest to Superman!
This is one of the first books that I had already graded Universal 9.8, and originally registered when I started this set. I can't say exactly when I got that book, but I would have gotten it off of eBay as that was pretty much the extent of my collecting at the time. I didn't really expand my searches to places like ComicLink or My Comic Shop until I started to more aggressively work on completing this set.
My set was already at 100 percent complete when I upgraded to the Signature Series book you now see here. I love that Jackson Guice signed this book Butch Guice because I haven’t seen many books that he signed this way. I reholdered this book in December 2020.
The second image is a 1:10 scale statue put out by Iron Studios in 2020. I bought this new for $210.00 and it sold out pretty quickly. I decided to include this close-up of it here because of the pose; this is probably pretty close to what Superman is staring at on the cover of this book... pretty terrifying!!