The Best Run In Years
Captain America 31
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Captain America 31 Signature
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x2 signed by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting. Big thanks goes out to Will Wong and Kris Moore for helping me to be able to get this one done.
Yet another fantastic issue in this arc, as everything keeps moving forward.
Bucky, having been captured is being subjected to the mind manipulations of Doctor Faustus. It seems that Bucky's past experiences as the Winter Soldier have made him resilient to Faustus' wares.
We see Sharon Carter and the mental conflict she's suffering through.
Tony is shown revealing to the Falcon and the Black Widow the extent of the damage to SHIELD and Sharon's mind.
Cut to the Red Skull giving a speech to a crowd of two thousand plus men, all private soldiers for Kronas and all under the influence of Doctor Faustus.
Nearing the end of the issue, we see Faustus' final attempt to break Bucky's mind, which brings a flashback to when the remote buzz bomb exploded and seperated Cap and Bucky. We are treated to a very sweet (as Brubaker referred to it) "Sterankomage" reminiscent of a famous 2 page spread by Jim Steranko from Cap #111 (it even uses the same color palette!).
The issue ends with Bucky looking like he's the Winter Soldier *again* and Doctor Faustus gives the order for Bucky to shoot the nurse who is present, Sharon Carter.
The issue ends with a "BLAM!"
Personal Note:
I remember when reading the issue how much of a kick I got out of the WWII flashbacks, and I really loved seeing the homage to the Jim Steranko Cap issue, #111. Brubaker often mentions Steranko's short stint on the book as being a heavy influence on his take of Cap, so it's very nice to see that homage.
I also knew when I was reading the issue that there was no way Sharon Carter would be killed off (she's carrying the baby of Captain America!), so I was dying to see how everything unfolded in the next issue.
Also pictured is my reading copy signed by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting.