Rise and Colossus shall strike you down again!
X-Men Annual 15

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Comic Description: X-Men Annual 15 Modern
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 1621961012
Owner: Colossus Keck


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: Xavier Liked Me Best  Score: 48
Perhaps you are not so brave, when Colossus is standing here, da?  Score: 48
Rise and Colossus shall strike you down again!  Score: 48
Wasting time on Friday  Score: 48
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

>Kings of Pain - part 3: Queens of Sacrifice (1st story)
The Killing Stroke - part2: The Razor's Edge (2nd story)
X-Men Origin story (3rd story)
Wolverine: The Enemy Within (4th story)
First story: Fabian Nicieza (writer), Tom Raney (penciler), Joe Rubenstein (inker), Joe Rosen (letterer), Brad Vancata (colorist)

Second story: Fabian Nicieza (writer), Jerry DeCaire (penciler), Joe Rubenstein (inker), Mike Thomas (colors), Joe Rosen (letterer)

Third story: Len Kaminski (story), Ernie Stiner (art), Don Hudson (inker), Kevin Tinsley (colors), Joe Rosen (letters)

Fourth story: Len Kaminski (story), Kirk Jarvinin (penciler), Brad Vancata (inks / colors), Mike Heisler (letters)
Suzanne Gaffney (asst. editor), Bob Harras (editor), Tom DeFalco (editor in chief)

Brief Description:
First story: X-Force and the New Warriors close in on Muir Island, where the apex of the mysterious energy surge is located. They are aware that A.I.M. is trying to recreate Proteus, the most dangerous mutant in history. However, on the island, Moira MacTaggert is not aware of this. While the Shadow King is in control of her Muir Island X-Men, he loosens his hold for the time being. The X-Men rush to fight the incoming teams, but give up quickly as they are severely outnumbered. Meanwhile, in Edinburgh, Harness and Piecemeal arrive to consume the last of the Proteus energy signature. Harness slaughters some policemen while Piecemeal begins absorbing more energy than he can handle, getting fatter than the eye can see. Cable leads a team of heroes to beat up Harness, as Harness is abusing Piecemeal. Marvel Boy and Legion go to Piecemeal’s aid, as he is beginning to rupture. However, they find that Harness is Piecemeal’s mother, but before they can get any more information out of her, it is too late – Piecemeal ruptures, and Proteus is reborn as an amalgamation of Gilbert Benson and Kevin MacTaggert. The new Proteus bids his mothers goodbye, and blows up Edinburgh.

Second story: Blob remains the only member of Freedom Force still standing. Super Sabre is dead, Crimson Commando has lost an arm, and Avalance and Pyro are injured. As Blob prepares to defend himself against the onslaught of the villains known as Desert Sword, the Iraqis warn him that the physicist, Reinhold Kurtzmann, is not worth dying for. Blob is brought to his knees just as Avalanche and Pyro get back in the fight, surprising Desert Sword and allowing Kurtzmann to fall back into the American team’s hands. They regroup, but the Iraqis quickly strike again. Beaten, Pyro remembers the orders, and burns Kurtzmann to death do that the Iraqi government can’t have him. Meanwhile, Crimson Commando signals for the helicopter to extract himself and Avalanche, but they don’t realize that the Iraqis have rigged the area with mines. Both of them are caught in a massive explosion, leaving them near death as Desert Sword swoops in for the kill.

Third story: Mojo organizes a television program telling the abridged history of the X-Men, finding it extremely convoluted and mind-boggling.

Fourth story: Wolverine has a nightmare about the monster within him, the monster created by Weapon X that gave him a razor skeleton.

Characters Involved:
First story:
Legion, Dr. Moira MacTaggert, Multiple Man, Polaris, Siryn (all Muir Islanders)
Firestar, Marvel Boy, Namorita, Night Thrasher, Nova, Silhouette, Speedball (all New Warriors)
Boom Boom, Cable, Cannonball, Feral, Shatterstar, Warpath, (all X-Force)
Copycat, posing as Domino

Proteus II - Gilbert Benson/Piecemeal and Kevin MacTaggert/Proteus I combined
Genetech client
A.I.M. client

Shadow King

in flashbacks
Colossus, Wolverine (X-Men)

Second story:
Avalanche, Blob, Crimson Commando, Pyro (all Freedom Force)
Aminedi, Arabian Knight, Black Raazer, Sirocco, The Veil, (all Desert Sword)
Reinhold Kurtzmann, a German physicist)

Third story:
Mojo’s staff
in Mojo’s movie
all members of the various X-teams

Fourth story:

Story Notes:
This issue is part of the Kings of Pain crossover event of 1991, with the story continued in X-Factor Annual #6. All Marvel annuals published from 1988-1993 were a part of one crossover or another.

In fact there are two crossovers involved in these issues, the second story “The Killing Stroke” is continued in X-Factor Annual #6.

First story:
This issue, as well as the entire Kings of Pain crossover, takes place during Uncanny X-Men #274-277, when the X-Men were in space.

The X-Men fought Proteus in the classic story in X-Men (1st series) #125-128, reprinted in Classic X-Men #31-34.

Moira learned more about Proteus in the back-up story of Classic X-Men #36.

Chess boards have 8x8 squares. For some reason, the artist drew the board as a 12x12 square board.

The mysterious chess-playing clients of the warring companies are revealed in X-Factor Annual #6 as Gideon and the Toad.

Second story :
Super Sabre of Freedom Force was decapitated and killed in New Mutants Annual #7, the first chapter of the Killing Stroke.

Image #1

Image #2

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