My CGC Byrne Captain America Collection
Captain America 252

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Comic Description: Captain America 252 Signature
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 4382756003
Owner: The Captain


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: My CGC Captain America Collection  Score: 88
My CGC Byrne Captain America Collection  Score: 88
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

December, 1980

"Cold Fire!"

Roger Stern - Writer
John Byrne - Penciler
Josef Rubinstein - Inker
John Byrne - Cover Artist
Bob Sharen - Colorist
John Costanza - Letterer
Jim Salicrup - Editor
Jim Shooter - Editor-in-Chief

Mister Hyde chains Captain America to the bow of the oil tanker, then plans on using it as a nuclear torpedo that will destroy all of New York City. Batroc, wanting no part in Hyde's mass murder scheme, surreptitiously loosens the chains binding Cap, allowing him the ability to break free. Batroc returns to the wheelhouse of the ship and attacks Mister Hyde. Hyde suspected that Batroc might betray him and prepares to snap his spine.
Cap boards the boat and slings his shield at Hyde. Batroc and Cap then double-team Mister Hyde driving him towards the back of the ship. Mister Hyde rips free a gas main, which coats him with natural gas that instantly freezes over him. He then topples off the side of the ship seemingly to his doom. Cap dives into the water to rescue him, while Batroc makes his escape on a tug boat.
Cap fails to find any trace of Mister Hyde, but manages to use Hyde's mini-sub to catch up to Batroc's boat. He radios the Coast Guard, who surround Batroc, forcing him to surrender.

-Signed by: Joe Rubenstein on 02/02/2024
-This issue includes a two-page pictorial history entitled "The Life and Times of Captain America". The vignette provides snapshots of Cap's career both as a soldier in World War II, and a member of the Avengers.
-This issue includes a layout of Steve Rogers' apartment at 569 Leaman Place, illustrated by John Byrne.
-This issue includes a one-page feature entitled "Steve Rogers' Friends and Neighbors" featuring mini-biographies of Anna Kapplebaum, Josh Cooper, Mike Farrel and Bernie Rosenthal.
-This issue includes a 2nd feature entitled "Captain America's Partners Against Crime" featuring mini-biographies for Nick Fury, Dum Dum Dugan, the Falcon, Leila Taylor, Bucky and Sharon Carter. The final panel, intended as team-image of the Avengers, instead features a postscript which reads, "Dear Roger, if you think I'm going to draw all of the Avengers - every single member and all of the various hangers-on - in this little space, you can think again! -- John Byrne".
-Captain America appears next in Incredible Hulk Annual #11.
-Batroc appears next in Captain America #302. The French mercenary was last seen in Marvel Team-Up #52.
-Mister Hyde appears next in Amazing Spider-Man #231.
-This issue includes a flashback to Captain America's first fight with Mister Hyde from Captain America #152.
-This issue includes a flashback of Mister Hyde in his identity of Calvin Zabo. The flashback takes place during his six-month prison stretch at Ryker's Island following the events from Captain America #180-#182.
-The Scorpion appears in a cameo flashback to events from Captain America #152.
-This issue contains a letters page, Letters to the Living Legend. Letters are published from Carol Bellamy, Kurt Busiek, and Jeff Gelb.
-This issue is reprinted in comics and books, see references for info.[1]

-On the cover to this issue, Batroc's name is mis-spelled "Batrok".
-This issue includes a Hostess Fruit Pies advertisement featuring Iron Man entitled, "Iron Man vs. the Bank Robbers!"

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