The Best Run In Years
Captain America 41 Variant Edition
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Captain America 41 Signature
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Owner's Description
Signed by Frank Cho.
Normally I love it whenever this Cap series gets a variant cover, but this particular time around it was different. I had told myself that I wouldn't be buying into the Marvel Apes craze once it came out, but found myself forced to buy this cover for the sake of completeness for my collection. I was extremely lucky to have Frank Cho make an appearance shortly after the book was released so that I could have him sign this variant for Signature Series.
It's a cool and funny cover nonetheless and I was very fortunate to have everything work out for me to get a 9.8 Signature Series copy of this book. Thanks goes out to Will Wong for taking care of this for me.
I picked up an extra copy of this variant when I saw it amongst $2 dollar book bins. At Heroes Con 2009, Frank Cho, Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting were all present, so I had them all sign an extra copy for my "raw" set.