The Best Run In Years
Captain America: Reborn 6
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Captain America: Reborn 6 Modern
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The conclusion of Reborn!
Cap battles the Red Skull in the "mindscape"! The Avengers battle hordes of enemies! And at the end of the book, Steve Rogers is returned to Marvel, there is a glimpse of the future and a ton of seeds story seeds are potentially dropped throughout the issue in what could develop as future plot points in the ongoing Captain America series.
As I stated with issue #5, I believe that #6 could have been trimmed down to fit with #5 to make a giant-size spectacular conclusion. Unfortunately, before the release of #6, readers were given the Epilogue issue - Captain America Reborn: Who Will Wield the Shield? which deals with the immediate aftermath of Reborn #6. I'd certainly love to reread this whole series in an oversized hardcover format.
The important thing to take away from this issue is that after being absent for a few years in real time, Steve Rogers has returned to Marvel (just in time for his impending movie). While he may not be Captain America for the upcoming future, it's a sure thing that he will take up the mantle again when the movie is released next year. Until then, we will have the adventures of Bucky-Cap, and Steve Rogers: Super Soldier!
The cover to this issue is particularly sweet with a wraparound-gatefold (3-page) cover! Get your own copy to bask in its glory.