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Captain America Reborn: Who Will Wield the Shield? 1
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Captain America Reborn: Who Will Wield the Shield? 1 Signature
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Signed by cover artist Gerald Parel! Thanks goes out to Ben Judkiewicz for helping me get this book in my collection. Also pictured is my additional blue label 9.8 copy of the book. When I decided to submit a few books for Gerald, I decided to look for fresh raw copies rather than crack the ones I already have and risk a grade drop.
The Epilogue to the events that concluded Captain America: Reborn. This issue gives us the current situation of Captain America leading into Marvel's "Heroic Age" after the events of Siege. There is are some great moments with Cap, Bucky, and each of them with their respective "love interests", Sharon Caster and the Black Widow - discussing who Cap should be.
Cap believes he saw a vision of the future during his time-slipping in Reborn, and wants Bucky to continue on as Captain America.
The end of the issue has Steve Rogers meeting the US President, who gives him a Presidential Pardon.
You really have to like the Gerald Parel cover for this book!