Man of Silver and Bronze
Action Comics 428
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Comic Description:
Action Comics 428 Universal
Page Quality:
Suscha News
Certification #:
Brandon Shepherd
Owner's Description
“Whatever Happened to Superman?”
Cover Date: October 1973
Cary Bates and Elliot S. Maggin stories
Curt Swan, Murphy Anderson and Dick Giordano art, Nick Cardy cover
Lex Luthor appearance.
Green Arrow/Black Canary backup story.
Grade Date: 11/16/2010
Acquired: 03/21/2011
Like my copy of Action Comics #425, this everyday life cover really stands out. The two kids outside with a bat and glove in hand, waiting to play ball dates this issue more than the 20-cent cover price or the cover date of October, 1973. If this were drawn today, they would more than likely be overweight, indoors and have video game controllers instead. There are several 9.8 copies for this issue but this one has a cover that is well centered, white pages, and is from a noted pedigree, I had to fight for this one. So far, this appears to be the only certified 9.8 Suscha News example for Action Comics.
Sucha News Pedigree
An incredible group of books from Sheboygan, Wisconsin the Suscha News collection is known for incredible reflective inks, very high gloss levels and bright page quality. The original owner made an arrangement with his local comic book and magazine distributor to cherry pick his comics before they were released to the public.