Captain America: Throughout the Ages
Captain America 5 (2005)
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Captain America 5 Signature
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Owner's Description
Signed by Michael Lark. Thanks to Kris Moore for getting Michael Lark's signature for me on multiple books.
The cover to this issue is an awesome rendition of the Invaders. This issue features mostly Michael Lark art who draws an extended flashback sequence with Cap and the Invaders helping out the Russians in WWII. It also sheds some light into the bigger picture of Bucky being Cap's sidekick.
Any issue that features Cap in action in WWII is great in my book. The flashback is significant in that it features the village Kronas and the child version of Aleksander Lukin being taken in by Vasily Karpov. Lukin would eventually succeed Karpov and name his coroporation after his home town.
Also pictured is my reading copy signed by the creative team - Ed Brubaker, Steve Epting, Michael Lark and Frank D'Armata.
Personal Note:
This is one of those issues that stands out to me in particular for it's depiction of Bucky as a highly trained and lethal soldier which would be played out even further in the series with the Winter Soldier.