Captain America: Throughout the Ages
Captain America 30 (2005)

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Comic Description: Captain America 30 Signature
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 0932301007
Owner: Raphael11


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: The Best Run In Years  Score: 26
Captain America: Throughout the Ages  Score: 26
Captain America by Ed Brubaker  Score: 26
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

x2 signed by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting. Big thanks goes out to Will Wong and Kris Moore for helping me to be able to get this one done.

As with previous issues since #25, this one does alot of jumping around between Tony Stark, the Black Widow, the Falcon, Sharon Carter and Bucky.

The Death Of The Dream: Act 2
The Burden of Dreams: Part I

The beginning of the issue begins with Tony and SHIELD only beginning to uncover the ruse of Doctor Faustus. Cut to Bucky and his enemies from issue #29, and we get a great fight sequence as Bucky takes out both CrossBones and Sin as the Red Skull taunts him throughout the fight.

The fight ends just as Bucky gets his hands on the Skull, but he utters "Sputnik", an old shutdown code that sends Bucky to the floor!

The Black Widow meets up with the Falcon to pool resources and information just as he is donning his old red/white outfit (first originally seen way back in Cap vol.1 #144).

The shocker of the issue comes when we see Sharon Carter holding a pregnancy test that reads POSITIVE!

We eventually see Sharon Carter who in reflecting upon Steve's last words to her, realizes, "Steve knew what I'd done"

Another cut to Tony Stark as he's going over the footage and has an epiphany, "Even Sharon claimed she ddin't see anything. She's right there, and she . . . She's right there".

Cut to Sharon Carter as she's looking in the mirror with an image of Doctor Faustus over her shoulder as he remarks to her, "Ready to go to work again". At that same moment, Tony is only just then seeing that Sharon Carter is but one of the SHIELD agents whose minds have been tampered with. Just as he contacts the Black Widow to detain Sharon, Sharon walks into the room and blasts the Black Widow and the Falcon, sending them to the floor!

In the last images of the issue, Tony is suiting up as Iron Man, remarking to himself, "Damn it, Steve. It's all falling apart without you here. Just like I knew it would."

And in the final panel of the issue, we are shown CAP'S FINAL WISHES to Tony Stark:


- "I'm trusting you to do two things: Don't let Bucky drift back into anger and confusion. He has a chance at a new life. Help him finds his way. Save him for me. And as for Captain America, the part of it that is bigger than me - that's always been bigger than me - Don't let it die, Tony.

America needs a Captain, maybe now more than ever. Don't let that dream die. Yours, Steve Rogers"

Yet another hair-pulling cliffhanger!

Also pictured is my reading copy signed by creative team of Ed Brubaker, Steve Epting and Mike Perkins.

Image #1

Image #2

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