Man of Action
Action Comics 484

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Comic Description: Action Comics 484
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 0916660020
Owner: Brandon Shepherd


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: Man of Silver and Bronze  Score: 80
Man of Action  Score: 80
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

"Superman Takes a Wife!"
Cover Date: June 1978

Cary Bates story
Curt Swan & Joe Giella art
José Luis García-López & Dick Giordano cover

Superman & Lois Lane of Earth-2 wed.
Wizard appearance.
40th Anniversary issue.

Grade Date: 08/10/2012
Acquired: 09/23/2012
1 of 3 in 9.8 when purchased.

Patience was essential in obtaining this piece, the census did not list a 9.8 copy until May, 2012. Two months later the first certified 9.8 copy with off-white to white pages sold for a pretty penny on eBay. Three months later another certified 9.8 copy with white pages came to Heritage Sunday Comics, with a much lower hammer price. Crazy fact, on the day this issue was graded by CGC, I was rear-ended on my way to work, totaling my car and spilling coffee all over my white shirt.

This cover really shines when looking at the Action Comics cover run in numerical order. I’ve seen this cover a few times in Overstreet and have also read about it in the Krypton Companion and in the introduction to Superman in Action Comics: The Second 25 Years of Covers, putting this issue at the top of my want list for several years.

Other Action Comics wedding covers:
#143 (April, 1950) “The Bride of Superman”
#206 (July, 1955) “Superman Marries Lois Lane”
#836 (April, 2006) “This is Your Life (Part II of III)”

Reprinted in Superman in the Seventies (2000) and Action Comics: 80 Years of Superman the Deluxe Edition (2018).

Image #1

Image #2

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