Comic Description:
Dazzler 6
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Owner's Description
We usually wait until the end of the show before we smash our instruments!!!
Published: 8/81
Jim Shooter - Editor in Chief
Bob Layton - cover
Tom DeFalco &Danny Fingeroth - writer
Frank Springer - penciler
QuickDraw Studios & Armando Gil - inkers
Don Warfield - colourist
Joe Rosen - letterer
Danny Fingeroth - editor
Signed by Tom DeFalco!!
Story Title: The Hulk may be hazardous to your health!
Dazzler has a long rehearsal session then on the way home, while being followed by a mysterious man, has to take down a gang of thugs in the subway, using the train to give her the sound she needs to subdue them. But she winds up dazzling the people on the train as well and they accuse her of being a mutant. She runs away.
When she gets home, Dr. Paul Janson, her new love interest, is waiting for her, but winds up being called away to the hospital on an emergency, all under the watchful eye of the unknown stranger.
The next day at Gordon University, Dazzler and her band show up for a gig and Dr. Bruce Banner shows up to try and look at the University's data on gamma research to try and find a cure for his "ailment". However, when he gets the hairy eyeball from the secretary about his credentials, he gets overly nervous and runs out to take his sedative pills to calm himself down.
Dazzler's field manager spots him and offers him work in setting up for the show. He accepts in order to have a reason to hang around campus until dark, so that he can sneak in to get a look at the data.
That evening, Dazzler starts up the show and Bruce Banner sneaks into the university but gets spotted by campus security and during the scuffle gets too angry and turns into the Hulk. He knocks out the guards, falls down an elevator shaft and winds up in tunnels under the campus.
Then the Hulk busts up out of the floor right onto the stage where Dazzler is performing. He mistakes Dazzler and her band for the enemy and she winds up having to fight him long enough to give time for everyone else to get out of the building.
She blinds him for just a moment. Then she creates the image of a tank to distract him, then dazzles him with a much higher burst and causes him to smash into a control panel and electrocutes himself. He's only down for a moment, then knocks her back with a shrug and takes off, busting through a wall.
Dazzler decides she can't let him run amok on the campus. It would put too many innocents in jeapordy. Meanwhile, the mysterious man continues to watch from the shadows.....
Continued in issue #7
Personal Comments: I thought it would be very interesting to see how Alison fared against the unstoppable force of the Hulk. However, most of this issue was taken up with the setup of the battle, with just the last few pages being of actual battle.
It must be infuriating, the way that every time she seems to get a little ahead in life, something else seems to go miserably wrong that causes her to have to rely on her powers.
Real life can be a lot like that. It's nice to see that even superheroes can go through similar circumstances.