In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night...
Green Lantern 14

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Comic Description: Green Lantern 14 Universal
Grade: 9.4
Certification #: 0749892004
Owner: bUff_mOnkEy


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night...  Score: 1005
Silver, Bronze & "Copper" Age Green Lantern  Score: 1005
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

2nd Highest Grade. Origin and first appearance SONAR. (Another very important issue in that it introduced Green Lantern's third recurring villain, a caped foe with a tuning fork as a weapon. It is also the first cover where a specific new villain was introduced on the cover. This became much more common as the Silver Age progressed with such characters as Star Sapphire, The Tattooed Man, etc.) STORY 1: A villain who hopes to put his tiny country of Modora in the headlines strikes out at Green Lantern with sonic weapons of great power. STORY 2: Sue Williams sees an old green auto lamp in Jim Jordan’s house and becomes convinced that is his Power Battery. In the meantime, Hal’s ring gets mistakenly exchanged for a fraternity ring of Jack Jordan’s, and a millionaire auto collector kidnaps Jim to get his lamp.

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