Captain Marvel Swan
Captain Marvel Adventures 48
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Comic Description:
Captain Marvel Adventures 48 Universal
Page Quality:
Crowley Copy/File Copy
Certification #:
David Swan1
Owner's Description
Second Highest Grade behind a single 9.4.
(Published) Aug-Sept 1945
(Cover) C.C. Beck
8 page Captain Marvel story
"Sivana and Marvel, Inc."
(Appearances) Sivana
(Script) Otto Binder
(Pencils/Inks) Pete Costanza
Sivana walks into Billy's office and announces that he has reformed. Sivana makes a deal with Capt. Marvel to create Sivana & Marvel, Inc to offer people protection. Any money they make would be given to charity.
The next day they get their first customer, a grocer who's had multiple robberies. Capt. Marvel gets a list of places to patrol and is more convinced than ever that Sivana is legit. He stops more than a dozen crimes and their business becomes highly in demand. Capt. Marvel hires Sivana's daughter Beautia as his secretary. Sivana gives Cap the rest of the day off but as he leaves the building he's named bu the FBI for tax evasion. Turns out Sivana set him up but Sivana isn't done. He broadcasts that Marvel is a tax cheat on the radio further humiliating the hero. However, Beautia rushes over and offers to do Cap's taxes. Instead he has Beautia lead him to Sivana's hideout and arrests the evil scientist. Wow, that was easy.
7 page Captain Marvel story
"The Repentant Cook"
(Script) Otto Binder
(Pencils/Inks) Pete Costanza
Billy is staying at Mr. Morris's house when they hear a thief trying to break into his safe. The thief is an bespectacled old gentleman in a suit and Capt. Marvel begins to pummel him. However, it turns out that the man was actually putting money INTO the safe. He's a retired crook who's returning money he stole because of a guilty conscience. Cap lets the man go but follows him, just in case.
On his next reverse crime he's caught by a cop but Marvel whisks him away. Now, however, Cap is being reported as aiding a thief. Capt. Marvel assists him in a few more reverse thefts and then the man turns himself into the police but it turns out the police have no record of his crimes and with the good word of Marvel he's let go.
8 page Captain Marvel story
"The World's Mightiest Dream! "
(Script) Otto Binder
(Pencils) C.C. Beck
(Inks) Pete Costanza
Billy is walking home from his birthday party, having eaten perhaps too much cake, unaware that he is being followed by Sivana carrying a hatchet. All that cake gives Billy nightmares so in his dream he speaks his magic word and ends up mumbling it so the sleeping Billy also transforms. Dream Capt. Marvel finds the dream monsters more than a match for him. Almost the entire story is based around birthday cake nightmares and near the end Capt. Marvel changes back to Billy in order to escape the monsters through a small hole. He changes back to Billy in real life just as Sivana moves to murder him with a hatchet but in the dream Sivana appears with a hatchet prompting Billy to transform again. He wakes up as Capt. Marvel relieved that it was all a dream but when he spots the hatchet wonders if it WAS all a dream.