Dead Among Us
Walking Dead 73
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Walking Dead 73
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Abraham settles into work with the construction crew, headed by Tobin, seemingly one of the only hardened men in the ranks of the Washington community. Tobin reveals to him a feeling of strong cynicism in keeping with the survivors' general consensus that there is a 'fakeness' about the Alexandria Safe-Zone. In particular, Tobin expresses a leering distrust of Douglas, from his interview process to his placement of 'pretty girls' in positions that allow him to see them on regular occasions.
The work crew is attacked by a group of Walkers. Tobin tells everyone to stay in "formation" but Abraham breaks off to save Holly. His bravery and skill impresses some of the work crew. He angrily condemns the idea that they have to allow some to die in order to save the larger group and he spurs the group to work quickly after the attack to put up more wall before more Walkers swarm. Later, Tobin discusses the change in leadership with Douglas. He reveals that he feels very cowardly for allowing others to die and feels strongly that Abraham has earned the right to lead the work crew.
Meanwhile, Morgan and Michonne's brief trust leads to regret for both parties. Morgan feels he is an adulterer, and Michonne feels that he is too burdened by ill-conceived principles. Elsewhere, Carl bitterly reminisces about Lori's motherly love, and Rick attempts to comfort him. Glenn successfully puts Rick's plan of re-acquiring the survivors' armaments into action.