Dead Among Us
Walking Dead 90
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Walking Dead 90
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Rick is able to defuse the stand-off with Nicholas. Nicholas puts down his gun. Rick advises Nicholas to come talk if there's an issue in the future, to which he agrees to.
Rick asks Denise about Carl and how he's doing. Carl is awake and well. Rick visits Carl and asks if he wants to go home. While heading home, Carl asks Rick if Rick would be sad if he died; Rick says he would be devastated if and tells him to stop being so tough because it's his job as a father to protect Carl.
Nicholas meets up with Rick and tells him he's not crazy, but scared and felt justified standing up for the survival of his family, and the Alexandria Safe-Zone.
Holly tells Abraham that he would be a better leader of the Alexandria Safe-Zone than Rick.
Maggie talks to Glenn about how she can't live in danger anymore, before running off crying.
Andrea visits Rick's house and asks for Carl. Rick comes down and talks to Andrea about wanting to kill Nicholas because of his stupidity. Rick confesses to Andrea that he feels like he died a long time ago, but she tells him, "Don't you think it's about time you came back to life?" Rick and Andrea embrace in a kiss.