The Best Run In Years
Captain America 24

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Comic Description: Captain America 24 Signature
Grade: 9.8
Page Quality: WHITE
Certification #: 0794841001
Owner: Raphael11


Custom Sets: This comic is not in any custom sets.
Sets Competing: The Best Run In Years  Score: 26
Captain America: Throughout the Ages  Score: 26
Captain America by Ed Brubaker  Score: 26
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

Signed and sketched on by Mike Perkins.

The headsketch didn't quite turn out with this one as the sharpie was a bit thick for a tiny head. But he more than made up for it in everything else he did.

A Civil War tie-in told from Captain America's perspective.

Cap checks in on an AIM facility to learn that Hydra was moving in on it as well. He learns something about who was running the facility (we dont get told though), and Cap takes on a load of Hydra.

Great issue from Cap's perspective.

At issues end, we see that the Red Skull has recruited Arnim Zola!

Also pictured is my reading copy, signed by the creative team - Ed Brubaker, Mike Perkins and Steve Epting.

Personal Note:

This issue will be the last time we see Cap in action in the series. Interestingly, in this issue while in the Hydra base he gains a piece of knowledge which the readers are not told. Trust me, it's there in the issue. I think it could be something that eventually turns out to be attached to Cap's return.

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