Captain Marvel Adventures - Monster Society of Evil
Chapter 9: The Webs of Destruction

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Comic Description: Captain Marvel Adventures 30 Universal
Grade: 8.0
Page Quality: OFF-WHITE
Certification #: 0779952013
Owner: David Swan1


Custom Sets: Captain Marvel Adventures - City Stories
Captain Marvel Adventures - Monster Society of Evil
Sets Competing: Captain Marvel Swan  Score: 320
Research: See CGC's Census Report for this Comic

Owner's Description

This was my first CGC acquisition. I just loved the cover but the grade could be better. I know where there is an 8.5 for sale but I wouldn't bother unless I find a 9.0 which is currently the highest grade.

(Published) December 1943
(Cover) C.C. Beck

12 page Captain Marvel story
"Captain Marvel Battles the Forty Million Dollar Denver Plot"
City story: Denver, Co

Billy Batson travels to Denver after getting a letter from a boy named Jimmy Deevers asking Capt. Marvel for help. He's given a tour and arrives at the boys house to the laughter of Jimmy's friends who are amused that Billy showed up instead of Cap. Later, Jimmy explains his concern that a hermit who owns a scrap rubber depot isn't recycling for the war effort. Billy approaches the hermit to convince him to recycle but discovers the man is a Nazi and Billy is knocked out by a pair of henchmen. Billy overhears their plan to dig a hole under the Denver min. The lead Nazi goes to execute Billy when he's knocked down by a pair of dogs. The Nazi runs after the dogs, meanwhile Jimmy dashes in and releases Billy allowing him to transform. Capt. Marvel cleans house and then finds more Nazi's in the tunnel. He takes care of them and that's pretty much it. Spy ring destroyed.

12 page Captain Marvel story
"The Modern Robinson Crusoe"

Mr. Morris calls Billy into his office where he introduces him to Seaman Frank Smith, a man who survived on a desert island for 107 days. He claims to have survived using a copy of Robinson Crusoe to guide him. Mr. Morris decides to duplicate the feat by dropping Billy on a deserted island with nothing more than a copy of the book and a radio. And I mean nothing as in no clothes. Unfortunately Billy's copy of Robinson Crusoe is badly damaged by sea water rendering it useless (as if it ever would have been useful) so he wanders the island when he spots footprints in the send. He see a figure and drops on him only to discover his friend Steamboat (a horribly racist character who was eventually dropped from the series). Steamboat (likewise almost completely naked) confesses he stowed aboard Mr. Morris's yacht to assist Billy.

First order of business is to build shelter so Billy changes to Capt. Marvel and builds a nifty log cabin which seems like kind of a cheat. Next up is clothing and they both wear grass skirts. As the comedy relief, Steamboat puts on a hat made of poison ivy with obvious results. Next, they make a snare but Steamboat sits on top of it and is flung into the air. Billy transforms to rescue Steamboat and in his thought balloon believes that other than this incident it's been Billy who's pretty much done everything. Um, did he forget the cabin?

Billy does his first broadcast where it's picked up by WCOP in Boston where Art Moger (I assume a radio guy from the 40's) relays the broadcast. So where precisely IS this deserted island? Off the coast of Massachusetts. Meanwhile on the other side of the island is a tiny Nazi camp where a Nazi is tracking allied ships (this story was during WW II). In the morning Billy and Steamboat find a rabbit in their snare but the two are too softhearted to actually cook him. In a ridiculous stroke of luck an entire barnyard of animals make their way to Billy and Steamboats cabin but the two can't bring themselves to eat any of them. Cap finally suggests the obvious which is to eat fruits and vegetables.

That night the Nazi spots our two heroes and unleashes on them with a machine gun prompting Billy to transform and punch the rat a good 20 yards. In fact he punches him so far he loses track of him and the Nazi sneaks away. Later, Billy does his daily broadcast and mentions that there is now a Nazi on the island. One would think people would do something about this situation but instead the experiment is allowed to continue. Billy goes out to explore the island and hears the Nazi broadcasting allied positions so he changes to Capt. Marvel and punches him out. He then rushes off to stop an allied ship from being sunk. The Nazi comes to kill Steamboat (why can Marvel not take care of this guy). This time Steamboat takes care of the situation himself with the help of his animal friends and their snare. Billy does a final broadcast. The End.

15 page Captain Marvel story
"The Baron of Barracuda Bay"

8 page Captain Marvel story
"The Monster Society of Evil Ch. 9: The Webs of Destruction"
(Appearances)Mr. Mind, Smashi, Herr Phoul, Jorrk
(Script) Otto Binder
(Pencils/Inks) C.C. Beck
(Reprinted) Monster Society of Evil, The (Hawk Books, 1989 series) #1

The story opens with Billy Batson trapped in a cocoon of Mr. Mind's creation in a dusty corner of the Great Wall of China. Some Chinese boys playing on the wall release him thinking a butterfly will emerge. With one magic word Marvel is back on the trail of Mr.Mind. Meanwhile, Mr. Mind is meeting with Dr. Smashi, Herr Phoul and Jorrk of the planet Punkus (who looks like an alligator man) The four head to Australia under Mr. Mind's direction. The Australian air force tries to defend but Mind's 'spider plane' (which looks more like a dragonfly) catches the planes in a net. Capt. Marvel catches wind of what's going on and flies to Australia. He arrives just in time to catch the planes before they crash.

That night Capt. Marvel is standing watch over an Australian military base when Mr Mind returns in his spider plane and drops a net over the entire camp. Marvel is trapped so firmly that Mr. Mind is able to stand on his nose and mock him. Capt. Marvel does manage to get free and sends the villains running with a vicious roundhouse. He turns the spider planes guns around causing them to trap themselves. They all parachute to safety but the Australian general wrapped in webbing drops from the plane leaving Capt. Marvel to rush to his rescue.

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