Great Battles!! Moses Magnum is the baddie, and the Punisher and Spidey? Well, they've got to team up to make the stuff to combat the rat! They have guns, sticky webs, bombs and all to stop the evil silliness. Uncle Ben as a role model and Parkers parents too, ooh we are going for the best of the best for you! You can pick and choose; the sum of variables is a spider-web full to the brim. Characters are getting the past and future squared away.
Annuals!?! A yearly shot of Spidey makes the Venoms disappear into the Carnage Day to Day!
Yearly type anecdotes that surmise the progression of all too familiar favorites. They had their 1sts and impacts among the generations, and what I like about them is they are smaller in volume and yet can present a bigger picture of the overall plot. Times that need plot holes filled, and or mediation between bigger outlying characters, only show that these pages tell a bigger story. Not always does it mean a pivotal reaction from the reader, but those surmising's are usually tested and tracked out through the decades of an already all-encompassing hobby of material. Who can hope to capture the mentality of it all? When line upon line it is built and so many original thoughts, it needs the separation of annuals and other categories to stay organized.