A fine series that has flown under the radar for quite some time! Eventually getting a little Feisty with fists, but here early on it is the Power Man outfit. Featuring the center of attention Luke Cage from Hero for Hire! Cage matches all around, for and from some heavy hitters. All the crime bosses have heard the rumor and want to test the patience of the Power Man! Have gangster will travel, drug kingpin and underlings, who themselves are as lethal. Luke is trying to be a family man, but duty calls!
There is power then there is man, don't corrupt either and you've got Luke Cage the Man. Back for some carousing and keeping the mean streets from imploding on themselves!
"Man, that canon!" That is just my right arm enforcing that upright support among the invulnerable force. The spotlight makes it ever so apparent that the humble too never get a day off, as that is what the fight is for, and summing up as showing off and out, isn't street enough to tow on the line and don't want to wind up doing time. Crime underway, weighing on hearts and minds. The gangs not caring their cliches, except they get the power struggle they crave. Paying no mind Power Man goes between them and divvies up the goal, of those would be proud pushers at any age or time. Kids may be tempted and need a role model! The Power Man, reluctant the hour of his reputation, and not thought of himself, but is what may be reported as the day of crime rolls back and put behind the force! One need not claim, what is rightfully his? Is it not his already, and need only to stand up and live? Crime cannot understand the undertow of a plight and plot the Power Man gives!