Knights around a round spherical moon remind us that the place can be as silly as a Monty Python Camelot! Moon mind games and or zaniness is nothing new, it has caused some mood swings from the start of civilization, and while it does have some promises attached to it as it is hanging up there, it is the soul that needs to orbit the good and the right in order to keep on the firing line. Some of those that befall the gaze of an eclipse, or some other phenomenon may even seem somewhat common by today's standards! That takes up man's cause as a "unique to us" experience! Many a quest has been taken up to follow eclipses of all kinds.
Becoming a Moon Emissary is not without its hiccups or denials by our fellowman of good things to follow, as not all would be trusting to the Moon and or "powers" that be as an entity. One needs to follow the path of righteousness.
The moon by any other name only calls to mind that we are needed a night light. A bit wholesome, comes the Marc Spector Moon Knight with connotations of those bump in the fright and Knight kinds of terminologies. It takes a lot of trust to bequeath powers, but when relying on something other than one's own ableness, that kind of comes with the territory. Not all as simple as it sounds when then using them practically or logically, as the supernatural usually comes with its own demands or laws in operation. Many laws are given, with 10 being the most common commandments, and that takes up most spaces as the first four towards an individual's higher power, and the last six we need to self-enforce. The moon however as a guardian comes to only rue the day as an overseer by night, and that can walk as any other, it would seem, but beware crossing angrily the path what stalks a Moon Knight!