In the calm and within the whisper, the winds call for the way of stealth, and speak of their own stories both great and large. Usagi Yojimbo longs to know them all and see the fruits of their labor. Knowing that steady and with grace is the race, but not to rush but be patient, all while keeping humble to the calm of the heart as it beats against the blade. Once in a while it will speak to those joys and those battles of which was in times found among the ways of history in Fantagraphics Usagi Yojimbo!
By blade or by swiftness, one is to fight the other is defense, and on what day you pick and choose it may come by the fields of the fallen. To take care in awareness is to harness the subtle faces within all the directions and you will become the victor.
A warrior's way is not to be romanticized, unless you only learn by defeat. Usagi Yojimbo is no different and has witnessed and dreamt many outcomes, but not all are as real as the ones done by his own steel. It takes that discipline to count the cost and by what means it accounts for the actions in haste, leisure, and or many kinds of intuitive thoughts he may like to daydream about therein. Speaking to the heart, a bit of childlike faith, knowing it does not always need to be in the sway of things, but to gird the belt and be ready, prepared, and fear those things you should. It is in the circle of life and by what way you find yourself with a steady hand. Beware lest thinking you stand and instead you fall, and having done all to stand, stand therefore believing in whom you had asked of in said victory! ~ Paraphrase a tutor in Usagi!