CGC Registry


Set Type: Walking Dead (2003) Any Variant
Owner: Sensei Ryan
Last Modified: 1/30/2024
Views: 2569

Rank: 1
Score: 28275
Leading by: 3637
Points to Higher Rank: N/A

Set Description:

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Sensei Ryan's Walking Dead (2003) CGC Comic Collection

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Thank you for taking a moment to view my registry set!
*Note: This set contains the breakdown for my entire Walking Dead collection (as seen in the Complete with Variants set). While this set only contains books that have original Walking Dead content i still feel compelled to include my entire collection statistics.

Like many people, my passion for the Walking Dead came not from the beginning but rather from mid-way into the series. My late entry into the world of the Walking Dead happened because I did not pick up an issue until after the Fear the Hunters arc (my first issue purchased off the stands was issue #69). At the time the series debuted I was strictly a super-hero book connoisseur and I did not notice the black and white comic about zombies that would later captivate my attention. It is easy to say that this is by far my absolute favorite book to read from month to month. I love the show, I love the novels, and I especially love the comics. It is now my pleasure to present to you my humble Walking Dead (2003) registry set…while it is a continual work in progress it is definitely a labor of love.

Rot on! (as Tony would say)

Contained within this set are a single universal 10.0, signatures series 9.9s and 9.8s as well as universal 9.9s and 9.8s. Below is the breakdown of what is contained within this set:

Grade Breakdown

Overall breakdown of books in this set:
168 Universal
106 Signature Series

Grade breakdown of books in this set:
238 9.8s
35 9.9s
1 10.0

9.8 breakdown in this set:
141 Universal 9.8s
98 Signature Series 9.8s

9.9 breakdown in this set:
27 Universal 9.9s
8 Signature Series 9.9s

10.0 breakdown in this set:
1 Universal 10.0

Also contained within this set are the following Signature Series books
(Arranged first by the total amount of signed copies that appear in this set along with the author who signed them)

Comic Book Writers/Artists

62 Robert Kirkman signatures (Writer & Co-Creator of The Walking Dead)
35 Charlie Adlard signatures (Artist of The Walking Dead)
20 Tony Moore signatures (Artist & Co-Creator of The Walking Dead)
2 Erik Larsen signatures (Savage Dragon artist and Emerald City Comic Con WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
2 Chris Giarrusso signatures (WD 103 variant and CBLDF Spawn baby variant feature cover artist)
2 Greg Horn signatures (Marvel Comics cover artist and WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
2 Clayton Crain signatures (Carnage USA artist & WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
2 Clay Mann signatures (X-Men artist & WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
1 Cliff Rathburn signature (Walking Dead back-up & pin-up feature artist)
1 Stefano Gaudiano signature (Walking Dead interior artist)
1 Todd McFarlane signature (Spawn artist and WD #100 feature cover artist)
1 Scott Blair signature (freelance artist)
1 John Layman signature (Chew writer)
1 Rob Guillory signature (Chew artist)
1 Shawn Martinbrough signature (Thief of Thieves artist)
1 Marat Mychaels signature (Grimm Fairy Tales and WD 100 feature cover artist)
1 Matthew Roberts signature (Manifest Destiny artist and WD 129 SDCC feature cover artist)
1 Arthur Suydam signature (Marvel Zombies and Wizard World St. Louis WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
1 Ethan Van Sciver signature (Green Lantern and Wizard World Chicago WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
1 Neal Adams signature (Green Lantern and Wizard World New York WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
1 Julian Totino Tedesco signature (X-Men and Wizard World Philadelphia WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
1 Mico Suayan signature (Marvel Comics and Wizard World Nashville WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
1 Andy Diggle signature (Thief of Thieves and CBLDF Liberty Annual 2012 feature writer)
1 Michael Zeck signature (Punisher and Wizard World Ohio WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
1 Michael Golden signature (Marvel & DC artist and WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
1 Nick Dragotta signature (East of West and Image Expo WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
1 Steve Lieber signature (Whiteout artist and WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
1 Rob Liefeld signature (X-Force artist and WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
1 Greg Kirkpatrick signature (Image Savage Dragon back-up artist)
1 Kieron Gillen signature (CBLDF Liberty Annual 2012 feature writer)
1 Nate Bellgarde signature (CBLDF Liberty Annual 2012 feature artist)
1 Jim McCann signature (CBLDF Liberty Annual 2012 feature writer)

Actors from the AMC television series The Walking Dead

2 Andrew Lincoln signatures (the actor who plays Rick Grimes)
2 Danai Gurrira signatures (the actress who plays Michonne)
2 Norman Reedus signatures (the actor who plays Daryl Dixon)
2 Steven Yeun signatures (the actor who plays Glenn Rhee)
1 Sarah Wayne Callies signature (the actress who plays Lori Grimes)
1 Jon Bernthal signature (the actor who plays Shane Walsh)
1 David Morrissey signature (the actor who plays The Governor)
1 Laurie Holden signature (the actress who plays Andrea)
1 Chad Coleman signature (the actor who plays Tyreese)
1 Adrian Turner signature (the actor who plays Duane Jones)

Also contained within this set are sketches by the following writers/artists
(Arranged first by the total amount of sketched copies that appear in this set along with the writer/artist who sketched them)


2 Robert Kirkman sketches (Writer & Co-Creator of The Walking Dead)
1 Charlie Adlard sketch (Artist of The Walking Dead)
1 Stefano Gaudiano sketch (Interior artist for The Walking Dead)
1 Chris Giarrusso sketch (WD 103 variant and CBLDF Spawn baby variant feature cover artist)
1 Marat Mychaels sketch (Grimm Fairy Tales and WD 100 feature cover artist)
1 Steve Lieber sketch Whiteout and WD #1 reprint feature cover artist)
1 Greg Kirkpatrick sketch (Image Savage Dragon back-up artist)
1 Scott Blair sketch (freelance artist)

One final important note to make about this set is that I have been published twice via letter submission to Letter Hacks - the official letters column for the Walking Dead comics. I was published in issues 122 and 123 (during the All-Out War story arc). Needless to say, I am incredibly honored to have a personal inclusion into the Walking Dead comic book series.

To conclude, this is my absolute favorite series to collect and I hope that this registry set showcases my sincere appreciation for The Walking Dead comic book series.

*Important note - it was on February 15th, 2015 at 10:20 PM that I became the leader for the first time of this registry set (and it was with my first Andrew Lincoln signed book). While I may not hold the top spot for very long it is nice to be able to say that I held the #1 spot at least for a little bit of time!

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(Pictured above) I had the extreme honor to meet and speak at length with Tony Moore (co-creator and original artist of The Walking Dead) at the Louisville Comic Con in 2014!
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Slot DescriptionCert #GradeScore
Walking Dead 1 0966396001 9.910500 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 2 1434275002 9.83168 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 3 1114892002 9.8264 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 4 0071527004 9.9300 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 5 1145341022 9.8132 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 6 1145100001 9.888 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 7 1114640013 9.966 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 8 0208573008 9.960 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 9 1203837013 9.960 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 10 1145100002 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 11 1132695004 9.960 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 12 1239653004 9.852 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 13 1008556013 9.852 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 14 1114346004 9.852 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 15 1425064008 9.852 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 16 0179685004 9.852 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 17 1190513005 9.852 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 18 0705853052 9.960 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 19 1184930012 9.8264 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 20 1147920006 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 21 1132695025 9.960 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 22 1063747016 9.852 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 23 1276839003 9.852 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 24 1045242006 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 25 1241401017 9.960 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 26 0938696021 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 27 0006522008 9.9280 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 28 0220629002 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 29 1277855013 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 30 0938696024 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 31 1114893010 9.944 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 32 1277855015 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 33 1228418001 9.8176 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 34 0781878002 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 35 1409537002 9.8880 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 36 1076187018 1060 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 37 1184718010 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 38 1326249016 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 39 1287476004 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 40 1318344011 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 41 1277985003 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 42 1318344015 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 43 1113472004 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 44 1151473009 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 45 1287476005 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 46 0150848008 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 47 0151463003 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 48 0983019002 9.9110 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 49 1326249023 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 50 1045271010 9.852 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 51 1003670014 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 52 1208537001 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 53 1184929009 9.8352 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 54 1146247009 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 55 1505033010 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 56 1118013006 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 57 1505033012 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 58 2008478007 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 59 1147984018 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 60 0950754005 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 61 1113465006 9.8220 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 62 1581963012 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 63 1145478003 9.8220 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 64 1326253001 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 65 1318344013 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 66 1581963013 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 67 0165944027 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 68 1581963010 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 69 1003670018 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 70 1604628004 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 71 1604628002 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 72 1411863010 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 73 1277855003 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 74 1581963014 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 75 0170505016 1090 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 76 1581963015 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 77 0992584004 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 78 0977190004 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 79 1368350012 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 80 1115031010 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 81 0182055021 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 82 1061506009 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 83 1406407001 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 84 1061505002 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 85 1060835005 9.966 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 86 1101532022 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 87 1060831009 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 88 1148002002 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 89 1604629012 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 90 1277981006 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 91 1145333017 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 92 1329632006 9.8704 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 93 1147921019 9.944 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 94 1151686013 9.9550 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 95 1058587013 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 96 1063973003 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 97 1095118013 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 98 1148025014 9.944 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 99 1057863013 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 100 1189998001 9.81320 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 101 1145100004 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 102 1057879010 1060 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 103 1273363006 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 104 1239679009 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 105 1150240044 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 106 1119860007 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 107 1289544022 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 108 1136380014 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 109 1120527012 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 110 1182601019 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 111 1286545028 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 112 1189046014 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 113 1172137024 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 114 0222746002 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 115 0932877011 10300 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 116 1275322003 9.81100 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 117 0223968011 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 118 1289551028 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 119 1176426027 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 120 1289551018 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 121 1289551001 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 122 1289552005 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 123 1275585012 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 124 1176456011 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 125 1275585010 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 126 1275585008 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 127 1331540001 9.8132 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 128 1275585006 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 129 1274163001 9.944 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 130 1286545023 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 131 1289554006 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 132 1331734001 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 133 1324332010 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 134 1289554009 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 135 1289554014 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 136 1324332008 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 137 0253416027 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 138 1317647005 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 139 1257544018 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 140 1324332011 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 141 1324332004 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 142 1324332006 9.944 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 143 1425066007 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 144 1363489003 9.9150 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 145 1331734004 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 146 1425073014 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 147 1326178016 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 148 1425076019 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 149 1425076016 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 150 1425064007 9.870 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 151 1425073012 9.835 Shop eBay
WalkingDead 152 1425073024 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 153 1425073005 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 154 1363488002 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 155 1425063012 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 156 0293943025 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 157 0294983008 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 158 1347401003 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 159 1432874010 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 160 1504348026 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 161 0305378021 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 162 1504350005 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 163 1505001006 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 164 1505004002 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 165 1581963004 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 166 1581963009 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 167 1581963008 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 168 1519316005 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 169 1604629001 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 170 1581963003 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 171 1591835002 9.8114 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 172 1591832010 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 173 1604629002 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 174 1604629003 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 175 1254189011 9.940 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 176 1575542016 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 177 1575542022 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 178 1604629010 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 179 1604629009 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 180 1604629008 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 181 1575544023 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 182 1604691005 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 183 1604691002 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 184 1575549010 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 185 1575548002 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 186 1575548011 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 187 1575548014 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 188 1575548017 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 189 1575554012 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 190 1575554014 9.835 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 191 1575553015 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 192 2500855101 9.853 Shop eBay
Walking Dead 193 1964200012 9.966 Shop eBay

All Set Comics/Scores

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