Comic Scores

Set: Brave and the Bold #1-#200
Slot: Brave and the Bold 60

Comic Description0.
Brave and the Bold #60 Signature 3444681117171722282833445088132198297594990154019802970
Brave and the Bold #60 Apparent MA 11111123334555781422324997162252324486
Brave and the Bold #60 Apparent SA 11111224445667101119294365130216336432648
Brave and the Bold #60 Apparent EA 11111112222334551014223265108168216324
Brave and the Bold #60 Apparent MP 111111233345568917253857113189294378567
Brave and the Bold #60 Apparent EP 11111122223445671218274181135210270405
Brave and the Bold #60 Universal 3444571015151520252530404580120180270540900140018002700
Brave and the Bold #60 Qualified 333346913131317212126343868102153230459765119015302295
Brave and the Bold #60 Apparent SP 11111234445778111222324973146243378486729
Brave and the Bold #60 Apparent 111111233345568916243654108180280360540
Brave and the Bold #60 Apparent SS 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 Apparent SS MA 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 Apparent SS SA 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 Apparent SS EA 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 Apparent SS MP 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 Apparent SS SP 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 Apparent SS EP 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 Conserved 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 A-1 111122355579910141527416192184306476612918
Brave and the Bold #60 A-2 111122355568810131426385886173288448576864
Brave and the Bold #60 A-3 11112235556889121424365481162270420540810
Brave and the Bold #60 A-4 11111234446778111322345076151252392504756
Brave and the Bold #60 A-5 11111234445778101221314770140234364468702
Brave and the Bold #60 B-1 11111224445667101119294365130216336432648
Brave and the Bold #60 B-2 1111122333466791018264059119198308396594
Brave and the Bold #60 B-3 111111233345568916243654108180280360540
Brave and the Bold #60 B-4 11111123334555781422324997162252324486
Brave and the Bold #60 B-5 11111122223445671319294386144224288432
Brave and the Bold #60 C-1 11111122223445671218274181135210270405
Brave and the Bold #60 C-2 11111112223444661117253876126196252378
Brave and the Bold #60 C-3 11111112223334561016233570117182234351
Brave and the Bold #60 C-4 11111112222334551014223265108168216324
Brave and the Bold #60 C-5 111111122223334591320305999154198297
Brave and the Bold #60 SS A-1 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 SS A-2 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 SS A-3 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 SS A-4 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 SS A-5 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 SS B-1 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 SS B-2 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 SS B-3 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 SS B-4 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 SS B-5 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 SS C-1 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 SS C-2 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 SS C-3 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 SS C-4 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 SS C-5 22223458881013131520234060901352704507009001350
Brave and the Bold #60 Qualified SS 3444571014141419242429384376114171257513855133017102565
Brave and the Bold #60 CGCxJSA 3444681117171722282833445088132198297594990154019802970