Note Scores
Set: 100 Greatest American Currency Notes, Type Set, by Bowers and Sundman
Slot: 80. $1,000 Gold Certificate, Series of 1882 Fr 1218-1218g
Note DescriptionPrAgGVGFVFVF EPQ4040 EPQ4545 EPQ5050 EPQ5353 EPQ5555 EPQ5858 EPQ6060 EPQ6161 EPQ6262 EPQ6363_EPQ64 EPQ65 EPQ66 EPQ67 EPQ68 EPQ69 EPQ70 EPQ
146601882 $1000 Large Size US Gold Certificate Fr. 1218e  34393522360636913778380738673897395739874049408041424173423742694333436544314431461746814876500850765212544759186469
146611882 $1000 Large Size US Gold Certificate Fr. 1218f  34393522360636913778380738673897395739874049408041424173423742694333436544314431461746814876500850765212544759186469