Note Scores
Set: Mahatma Ghandi Set, 1987-Date, Issued Notes, Complete, Including Varieties
Slot: 1000 Rupees 2010 Reserve Bank Of India P100j
Note DescriptionPrAgGVGFVFVF EPQ4040 EPQ4545 EPQ5050 EPQ5353 EPQ5555 EPQ5858 EPQ6060 EPQ6161 EPQ6262 EPQ6363_EPQ64 EPQ65 EPQ66 EPQ67 EPQ68 EPQ69 EPQ70 EPQ
Jhun&Rez 2008
540961000 Rupees 2006 Reserve Bank Of India IND100j  6991216202831374045505965768398106123123135139152163168179188205230