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Signature Set Detail: Lucky 13 Collection

Set Category:


Set Theme:
A collection of US and world paper money with the serial number 00000013.

Set Description:
I am a triskaidekaphile13

So no #triskaidekaphobia here, only #triskaidekaphilia

Views: 354

Signature Set Details:

Slot NameSlot CommentCertification #Note InfoCountryGradePhoto
USA / Silver Cert. $1 1899 (Fr. 236) N13A 8069485-001 Silver Certificate
$1 Large Size
United States64 EPQ
USA / Silver Cert. $1 1923 (Fr. 237) K13B 8069485-002 Silver Certificate
$1 Large Size
United States64
USA / Silver Cert. $1 1928A (Fr. 1601exp) Y00000013B 8063840-011 Silver Certificate
$1 Small Size
United States63 EPQ
USA / Silver Cert. $1 1934 (Fr. 1606) F00000013A 8069485-005 Silver Certificate
$1 Small Size
United States63 EPQ
USA / Silver Cert. $1 1935B (Fr. 1611) H00000013D 1142554-014 Silver Certificate
$1 Small Size
United StatesAU 55
USA / Silver Cert. $1 1957 (Fr. 1620) G00000013A 5013284-007 Silver Certificate
$1 Small Size
United States66 EPQ
USA / Silver Cert. $5 1934 (Fr. 1650) A00000013A 8069485-003 Silver Certificate
$5 Small Size
United States64 EPQ
USA / Silver Cert. $10 1934 (Fr. 1701) A00000013A 8069485-004 Silver Certificate
$10 Small Size
United StatesAU 58
USA / Legal Tender $1 1928 (Fr. 1500) A00000013A 1017854-010 Legal Tender Note
$1 Small Size
United States65 EPQ
USA / Legal Tender $100 1966 (Fr. 1550) A00000013A 8069487-001 Legal Tender Note
$100 Small Size
United States65 EPQ
USA / FRBN $5 1929 (Fr. 1800-1) B00000013A
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
1744133-003 FRBN New York
$5 Small Size
United States63 EPQ
USA / National $5 1929 (Fr. 1800-2) A000013
Dublin National Bank of Dublin, PA
8063840-012 The Dublin NB Dublin Pennsylvania
$5 Small Size
United StatesVF 20
USA / National $10 1929 (Fr. 1800-1) A-F000013A
First National Bank of Wilmerding, PA
1197764-001 This note label has been manually entered AU 58 EPQ
USA / National $20 1929 (Fr. 1802-1) C000013A
The Public National Bank & Trust Company of Houston, TX
8069485-006 The Public NB & TC Houston Texas
$20 Small Size
United StatesVF 25
USA / National $50 1929 (Fr. 1803-1) A000013A
South Texas Commercial National Bank of Houston, TX
8069485-007 South Texas Commercial NB Houston Texas
$50 Small Size
United StatesVF 20
USA / National $100 1929 (Fr. 1804-1) B000013A
Farmers National Bank of Shelbyville, IN
8069485-008 The Farmers NB Shelbyville Indiana
$100 Small Size
United StatesVF 25
USA / FRN $1 1963A (Fr. 1901-B*) B00000013* 8069486-001 Federal Reserve Note New York
$1 Small Size
United StatesVF 25
USA / FRN $1 1963A (Fr. 1901-G) G00000013H 8069486-002 Federal Reserve Note Chicago
$1 Small Size
United StatesVF 25
USA / FRN $1 1977 (Fr. 1909-H) H00000013B 8063840-013 Federal Reserve Note St. Louis
$1 Small Size
United States64
USA / FRN $1 1977A (Fr. 1909-H) H00000013D 8063840-014 Federal Reserve Note St. Louis
$1 Small Size
United States64
USA / FRN $1 2003 (Fr. 1928-A) A00000013B 8069486-003 Federal Reserve Note Boston
$1 Small Size
United StatesVF 20
USA / FRN $1 2009 (Fr. 1934-L) L00000013I 8069486-004 FRN San Francisco
$1 Small Size
United States66 EPQ
USA / FRN $1 2013 (Fr. 3001-L) L00000013D 8063840-015 FRN San Francisco
$1 Small Size
United States66 EPQ
USA / FRN $2 2003 (Fr. 1937-K*) K00000031* (yes, this is a place holder note as it is a #31 not a #13, but it is the single highest graded for this type... Anyone got a #13 $2 FRN to trade? 8069486-005 Federal Reserve Note Dallas
$2 Small Size
United States67 EPQ
USA / FRN $51995 (Fr. 1985-K) K00000013C 8069486-006 Federal Reserve Note Dallas
$5 Small Size
United States64 EPQ
USA / FRN $10 1963 (Fr. 2016-J) J00000013A 8069486-007 Federal Reserve Note Kansas City
$10 Small Size
United States65 EPQ
USA / FRN $10 1963 (Fr. 2016-J*) J00000013* 8069486-008 Federal Reserve Note Kansas City
$10 Small Size
United States65 EPQ
USA / FRN $10 1969 (Fr. 2018-C) C00000013A 8069486-009 Federal Reserve Note Philadelphia
$10 Small Size
United States66 EPQ
USA / FRN $20 1999 (Fr. 2086-L) BL00000013A 8069486-010 FRN San Francisco
$20 Small Size
United States65 EPQ
USA / FRN $50 2001 (Fr. 2127-B*) CB00000013* 8069486-011 Federal Reserve Note New York
$50 Small Size
United StatesVF 35
USA / FRN $5 2013 (Fr. 1996-B*) MB00000013* 8069486-012 Federal Reserve Note New York
$5 Small Size
United StatesXF 40 EPQ
USA / FRN $10 2006 (Fr. 2040-B) IB00000013C 8069486-013 Federal Reserve Note New York
$10 Small Size
United States65 EPQ
USA / FRN $20 2009 (Fr. 2095-H) JH00000013B 8069486-014 Federal Reserve Note St. Louis
$20 Small Size
United States67 EPQ
USA / FRN $100 2013 (Fr. 2188-B*) MB00000013* 5013892-002 Federal Reserve Note New York
$100 Small Size
United StatesAU 58
Bahamas 50 Cents L.1965 (P-17) A 000013 8002218-002 Bahamas, Government of the Bahamas
1/2 Dollar - Printer: TDLR
Bahamas66 EPQ
Bahamas 1 Dollar L.1965 (P-18a) A 000013 8002218-003 Bahamas, Government of the Bahamas
1 Dollar - Printer: TDLR
Bahamas66 EPQ
Canada 1 Dollar 1973 (BC-46a) FS 0000013 8023074-023 Canada, Bank of Canada
$1 - Printer: BABN
Canada67 EPQ
Canada 2 Dollars 1973 (BC-47a) BD 0000013 8023074-024 Canada, Bank of Canada
$2 - Printer: BABN
Canada66 EPQ
Canada 5 Dollars 1973 (BC-48b) CV 0000013 8023074-025 Canada, Bank of Canada
$5 - Printer: CBNC
Canada63 EPQ
Cayman Islands 1 Dollar 1974 (1985) (P-5f) A/7 000013 8056699-034 Cayman Islands, Currency Board
1 Dollar - Printer: TDLR
Cayman Islands67 EPQ
Cuba 20 Pesos ND (1985) (P-FX5) CE 000013 8056699-036 Cuba / Foreign Exchange Certificate
20 Pesos - Series A
Djibouti 40 Francs 2017 (P-NL) AA 0000013 1803408-001 Djibouti, Banque Centrale ""Commemorative
40 Francs DO NOT USE - USE DJI46a
Djibouti66 EPQ
Egypt 5 Piastres ND (1971) (P-182g) B/43 000013 8056672-067 Egypt / Arab Republic
5 Piastres - Wmk: ARE
Egypt66 EPQ
Egypt 5 Piastres ND (1971) (P-182h) A/50 000013 8056672-068 Egypt / Arab Republic
5 Piastres - Wmk: ARE
Egypt66 EPQ
Egypt 5 Piastres ND (1971) (P-182i) Z/54 000013 8056672-069 Egypt / Arab Republic
5 Piastres - Wmk: ARE
Egypt65 EPQ
Egypt 10 Piastres ND (1971) (P-184b) G/74 000013 8056672-070 Egypt / Arab Republic
10 Piastres - Wmk: ARE
Egypt66 EPQ
Egypt 20 Pounds 2016 (P-NL) M/290 0000013 8069489-009 Egypt, Central Bank
£20 Pick Unlisted 2016
Egypt64 EPQ
Egypt 50 Pounds 2016 (P-75c) E/211 0000013 8069489-010 Egypt, Central Bank
£50 2016 - Wmk: King Akhenaten & 50
Egypt65 EPQ
Egypt 100 Pounds 2016 (P-76c) M/296 0000013 8069489-011 Egypt, Central Bank
£100 2016 - Wmk: Sphinx & 100
Egypt66 EPQ
Great Britain 50 Pounds 1829 (OUT2280j) 13
Warwick Old Bank
8063521-001 Great Britain, Warwick Old Bank
£50 - Warwick
Great BritainVF 20
Hong Kong 10 Dollars 1988 (P-191b) RL 000013 8056699-037 Hong Kong, HK & Shanghai Banking Corp.
10 Dollars
Hong KongAU 55 EPQ
Iraq 1/2 Dinar 1985 (P-68a) ن/89 000013 1744483-082 Iraq, Central Bank
1/2 Dinar
Iraq65 EPQ
Iraq 25 Dinars 1982 (P-72) خ ع/274 000013 8056672-066 Iraq, Central Bank
25 Dinars
Iraq 5000 Dinars 2003 (P-94a) هـ/27 0000013 8069489-012 Iraq, Central Bank
5000 Dinars 2006 / AH1427 - Printer: TDLR
Iraq66 EPQ
Iraq 25000 Dinars 2010 (P-96e) ز/83 0000013 8069489-013 Iraq, Cental Bank
25,000 Dinars 2010 / AH1431 - Printer: TDLR
Iraq66 EPQ
Ireland / Republic 20 Pounds 1980 (P-73a) EEE 000013
1539181-002 Ireland - Republic Replacement / Sta
Ireland - Republic64
Isle of Man 1 Pound ND (1979) (P-34a) J 000013 8056699-041 Isle of Man, Isle of Man Government
£1 - Printer: BWC
Isle Of Man65 EPQ
Isle of Man 20 Pounds ND (2000) (P-45a) E 000013 1803408-002 Isle of Man, Isle of Man Government
£20 - Printer: TDLR
Isle Of Man65 EPQ
Italy 2000 Lire 1990 (P-115) AB 000013 B 8056699-040 Italy, Banca d'Italia
2000 Lire - Wmk: G. Marconi
Italy67 EPQ
Jersey 10 Pounds ND (1976-1988) (P-13a) AB 000013 8056699-042 Jersey, States of Jersey
£10 - Printer: TDLR
Kazakhstan 5000 Tenge 2011 (P-38) GA 0000013 1803408-004 Kazakhstan, National Bank
5000 Tengé
Kazakhstan67 EPQ
Kazakhstan 10000 Tenge 2012 (P-43) VV 0000013 1803408-005 Kazakhstan, National Bank
10,000 Tengé - Printer: BFoNBK
Kazakhstan66 EPQ
Kazakhstan 1000 Tenge 2014 (P-45) AD 0000013 1803408-003 Kazakhstan, National Bank
1000 Tengé - Printer: BFoNBK
Kazakhstan67 EPQ
Kazakhstan 20000 Tenge ND (2015) (P-46) AB 0000013 1803408-006 Kazakhstan, National Bank ""Commemorative
20,000 Tengé - Printer: BFoNBK
Kazakhstan66 EPQ
Lithuania 20 Litu 1991 (1993) (P-48) AA 0000013 8056672-065 Lithuania, Bank of Lithuania
20 Litu - Printer: USBNC
Lithuania67 EPQ
Macau 50 Patacas 1999 (P-72a) BQ 00013 8018400-027 Macau, Banco Nacional Ultramarino
50 Patacas
Macao67 EPQ
Portugal 100 Escudos 1988 (P-179F) DDS 000013 8056699-043 Portugal, Banco de Portugal
100 Escudos
Portugal66 EPQ
Qatar 1 Riyal ND (2008-2015) (P-28) F/269 000013 1744483-083 Qatar, Central Bank
1 Riyal - Wmk: Falcon's Head & 1
Qatar66 EPQ
Qatar 5 Riyals ND (2008-2015) (P-29) E/61 000013 1744483-084 Qatar, Central Bank
5 Riyals - Wmk: Falcon's Head & 5
Qatar66 EPQ
Qatar 10 Riyals ND (2008) (P-30) D/70 000013 1744483-085 Qatar, Central Bank
10 Riyals - Wmk: Falcon's Head & 10
Qatar65 EPQ
Qatar 50 Riyals ND (2008) (P-31) C/38 000013 1744483-086 Qatar, Central Bank
50 Riyals - Wmk: Falcon's Head & 50
Qatar66 EPQ
Qatar 100 Riyals ND (2007) (P-26a) B/28 000013 1744483-087 Qatar, Central Bank
100 Riyals
Qatar65 EPQ
Qatar 500 Riyals ND (2007) (P-27a) A/53 000013 1744483-088 Qatar, Central Bank
500 Riyals
Qatar66 EPQ
Russia 10 Rubles 2004 (P-268c) bM 0000013 1803408-007 Russian Federation, Bank of Russia
10 Rubles
Russia68 EPQ
Saudi Arabia 1 Riyal 2012 (P-31c) 1166 000013 1624206-013 Saudi Arabia, Monetary Agency
1 Riyal
Saudi Arabia67 EPQ
Saudi Arabia 5 Riyals 2009 (P-32b) 224 000013 1624206-039 Saudi Arabia, Monetary Agency
5 Riyals
Saudi Arabia66 EPQ
Saudi Arabia 10 Riyals 2009 (P-33b) 248 000013 1624206-065 Saudi Arabia, Monetary Agency
10 Riyals
Saudi Arabia65 EPQ
Saudi Arabia 50 Riyals 2012 (P-34c) 329 000013 1624206-091 Saudi Arabia, Monetary Agency
50 Riyals
Saudi Arabia67 EPQ
Saudi Arabia 100 Riyals 2012 (P-35c) 629 000013 1624206-117 Saudi Arabia, Monetary Agency
100 Riyals
Saudi Arabia66 EPQ
Seychelles 10 Rupees ND (1998-2010) (P-36a) AB 000013 8056699-051 Seychelles, Central Bank
10 Rupees
Seychelles67 EPQ
South Africa 1 Rand ND (1967) (P-109b) A/215 000013 8056699-035 South Africa, Reserve Bank
1 Rand - Wmk: Springbok
South AfricaVF 30
South Korea 5000 Won 2006 (P-55) FA 0000013 J 8023844-013 South Korea, Bank of Korea
5000 Won
Korea - South Korea66 EPQ
Sri Lanka 200 Rupees 1998 (P-114b) N/21 000013 8056699-044 Sri Lanka, Central Bank ""Commemorative""
200 Rupees - Wmk: Chinze
Sri Lanka65 EPQ
Syria 500 Pounds 2013 (P-115a) B/13 0000013 8056699-038 Syria, Central Bank
Syria67 EPQ
Syria 1000 Pounds 2013 (P-116a) B/73 0000013 8056699-039 Syria, Central Bank
£1000 - Printer: Goznak
Syria66 EPQ
Syria 1000 Pounds 2013 (P-116a) B/75 0000013 1803624-013 Syria, Central Bank
£1000 - Printer: Goznak
Syria65 EPQ
Syria 2000 Pounds 2017 (P-NL) B/02 0000013 8069489-014 Syria, Central Bank
£2000 Pick Unlisted 2017 / AH1439
Syria65 EPQ
Transnistria 1 Ruble 2007 (P-42a) AA 0000013 8056699-045 Transnistria, Banka Nistriana
1 Ruble
Transnistria67 EPQ
Transnistria 5 Rublei 2007 (P-43a) AA 0000013 8056699-046 Transnistria, Banka Nistriana
5 Rublei
Transnistria66 EPQ
Transnistria 10 Rublei 2007 (P-44a) AA 0000013 8056699-047 Transnistria, Banka Nistriana
10 Rublei
Transnistria66 EPQ
Transnistria 25 Rublei 2007 (P-45a) AA 0000013 8056699-048 Transnistria, Banka Nistriana
25 Rublei
Transnistria66 EPQ
Transnistria 50 Rublei 2007 (P-46a) AA 0000013 8056699-049 Transnistria, Banka Nistriana
50 Rublei
Transnistria67 EPQ
Transnistria 100 Rublei 2007 (P-47a) AA 0000013 8056699-050 Transnistria, Banka Nistriana
100 Rublei
Transnistria67 EPQ
Yemen 100 Rials ND (1993) P-28 DH/12 000013 8069489-015 Yemen Arab Republic, Central Bank
100 Rials ND (1993) - Printer: TDLR
Yemen Arab Republic67 EPQ
Zimbabwe 10 Trillion Dollars 2008 (P-88*) ZA 0000013
8047600-017 Zimbabwe, Reserve Bank Replacement / Sta
10 Trillion Dollars
ZimbabweAU 50
US Obsolete $100 1860s (P-GA35G56a) 13
Augusta Insurance & Banking Co. (Augusta, GA)
8063840-006 Georgia, Augusta
$100 Obsolete Bank Note
United StatesVF 25
US Obsolete 25 Cents 1862 (P-NL) 13
C. F. Maurice & Co. (Sing Sing, NY)
8063840-007 New York, Sing Sing
25 Cent Scrip
United StatesVF 20
US Obsolete $1 1860 (P-SC45G22b) 13
Bank of the State of South Carolina (Charleston, SC)
8063840-008 South Carolina, Charleston
$1 Obsolete Bank Note
United StatesF 12
US Obsolete $1 1861 (P-SC45G26c) 13
Bank of the State of South Carolina (Charleston, SC)
8063840-009 South Carolina, Charleston
$1 Obsolete Bank Note
United StatesF 12
US Obsolete $1 1862 (P-SC45G118a) 13
Bank of the State of South Carolina (Charleston, SC)
8064159-040 South Carolina, Charleston
$1 Obsolete Bank Note
United StatesVF 25
US Obsolete $2 1862 (P-SC45G120) 13
Bank of the State of South Carolina (Charleston, SC)
8063840-010 South Carolina, Charleston
$2 Obsolete Bank Note
United StatesF 12
US Depression Scrip $1 1933 A 000013
City of Hamtramck (Hamtramck, MI)
8063840-001 Michigan, Hamtramck
$1 Scrip
United StatesVF 35
US Depression Scrip $1 1934 A 000013
City of Hamtramck (Hamtramck, MI)
8063840-002 Michigan, Hamtramck
$1 Scrip
United StatesAU 58 EPQ
US Depression Scrip $5 1933 V 000013
City of Hamtramck (Hamtramck, MI)
8063840-003 Michigan, Hamtramck
$5 Scrip
United StatesAU 55
US Depression Scrip $5 1934 V 000013
City of Hamtramck (Hamtramck, MI)
8063840-004 Michigan, Hamtramck
$5 Scrip
United StatesAU 58
US Depression Scrip $10 1933 X 000013
City of Hamtramck (Hamtramck, MI)
8063840-005 Michigan, Hamtramck
$10 Scrip
United StatesXF 45

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