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Signature Set Detail: George & Shirley Rainbows

Set Category:


Set Theme:
My Rainbow Short Set

Set Description:
I Started this because I had the $2.00 Note in one of my other Sets.

Views: 2

Signature Set Details:

Slot NameSlot CommentCertification #Note InfoCountryGradePhoto
$1.00 Rainbow 1869 FR# 18 Rainbow
Note 58 EPQ
5013037-002 $1 1869 Large SizeUnited StatesAU 58 EPQ
$2.00 Rainbow 1869 FR# 42 Rainbow Note 58 2169581-001 $2 1869 Large SizeUnited StatesAU 58
$5.00 Rainbow 1968 FR# 64 Rainbow Note 58 EPQ 2205971-001 $5 1869 Large SizeUnited StatesAU 58 EPQ
$10.00 Rainbow 1869 FR# 96 Rainbow Note 55 EPQ 1995341-004 $10 1869 Large SizeUnited StatesAU 55 EPQ
$20.00 Rainbow  

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