Middleton Covers! It is all available at your leisure to peruse! Get used to the keeper of the cowl that does a good job of taking to task the opposing factors that would seek to break up the "Bat-Family!" Given help from predecessors, this girl is out for the name of the game. Making a name for herself won't be easy, mentors will guide, at the cost of these tough streets! It can be done, but it's not all games and "fun", it is the Batgirls turn.
Josh Middleton had his day in the sun with bright colors and allure all his own! Well Done!!
Not left to chance as Batgirl is purposeful in the missions as the landscape changes. Light shining is set on a hill or even rooftop, and how great a light? If evil how great is it? To be defeated is to not step into the mercy and grace of said light, as it dawns in Gotham on the Just and the Unjust, but not all have fortitude to uphold it for themselves so how will they see their brother's eye if not fit to fix their own. It isn't to self loathe as unto a Batman, but a Batgirl still has a spark of life that can often uplift to take charge as leader of hope in justice, too. Even if it takes a quick jab in the scruples, checks and balances are always in place and also let's not forget that it comes by way of the light on a hill that cannot be hid, similar to a lighthouse!