With an appropriate name and movie flick nostalgia comes the Kick! Kung-fu and ninja kicking the rabbit! Remember that it takes a lot to be a hero, and I don't recommend dressing in tights to do it! Once again, it is up to the common folk to raise a brand of justice. How kick tush is this, Justice? It'll take the branding of a hero, with the tried and tested morality barrier to keep those fists flying and the kicks landing. In your face! In Your FACE!
Not even a shell-shock Laird or Eastman were so bold in their inception, but kick arse takes the cake as the kicking is in for the ribs and the whole torso or abdomen. If pressed I'd still give a hat nod to Eastman and Laird for inspiring 80's kung fu that therefore made Kick-Ass possible!
Kicking all kinds of keister with some blood spattered on the canvas of a night out seeking to thwart would be vigilantes. It takes the confident hero on a journey of adolescence to becoming a man's man by enforcing the prerogatives of comic justice. That in itself is usually enough in interest to then pick up a spare issue, but when on impulse, it is the Local Comic Shop to the rescue, even though since then its been found in the wild for a dollar bin pick-up. All those events play a part in the search and rescue missions of books in condition for the registry, and comic related adventures, and the thrill of the hunt. Move it on over! A new addition. Those times are not quite over, even now, and in the rearview were seen as some worthy good times with friends and the occasional late night store search, to find the one small thing to acquire "something" for the effort. It pays off but takes diligence and persistence.