Newsstand Alert. Seemingly available at any given time, but so scarce that it would be a spare few, it hasn't caught on as quickly by the same means. Newsstands are still a niche per se here in 2022, but we've got the gumshoe on the case here, in NOIR! Making it nostalgic for those not so modern times with comics on the shelves, other than at Local Comic Shops! Giddy!?! Giddy Up! Here comes the rodeo, serving up some Spidey.
Noir could simply mean detective, although that would be my opinion. At least a certain kind of storytelling that is a bit detective or mystery, enough to call a character "Spider-man Noir!"
Spider-man once again being the loner but out and about type of guy, has to get by on camera and or detective duty work somehow. Skills that need put to good use by the hook and crook around town. It isn't always a paying gig, but it can make for a noir and good read, even if limited in series, it doesn't need to be the definition of the whole series. These black and white tales seem like romances in the rain, is it like that for all noir is a small thought to consider. Noir made by Spider-man was new at this point and didn't off put the mood by much for a darker or brooding type. Just a spider by night in a new style or vain. Spider-man isn't smug or anything, but he can spin a yarn for writers, and I rather like the art from illustrators. It all kind of comes together for a nice collection pick-up!