That is the Way It Was, The Way of the Force and Doubles, Uh-Huh-Uh-Huh! Wars are in the galaxy, but those outside of "it" make the time for the wars themselves. Curating and keeping the Rebel Alliance on their toes! These can be strenuous ongoings, and yet this is the 1st of which that did save Marvel Comics! The 70's are a bronze age grind. Space it is a frontier of getting the bounty and taking risks, even sniping swamp rats!
Is it Merry for the heart to obtain doubles? If it makes you laugh, then it can't be resisted, and it'll be the best medicine to make it worth it!
The "wars" that were strung together post haste to save Marvel, but it took longer to lose that kind of savor for the movies and ephemera. Longing for fans, the Marvel that met George Lucas was by all means as it began, aka TIMELY. That speaks great things and is not exactly fighting words as it cannot be denied. It was a long time afterward in appreciation that took fortitude, from a fan base that has been in with it a long time, same as these wars, but the saving grace was of making it splash over theaters, toys, and other type screens! Stepping out of line means to stand apart, but being separate isn't new, except new to you or any other individual. Coming together as a team meant realizing a rebel cause as well to thwart by way of those creative minds that, "in brought the FUNK!" That is again a lot of history, but none is pump and dump, just a long virtuous journey with spectators, yes, and a few more of those involved as well.