Some Near Mint Examples of Down Under Comics! Up-Up and Away from halfway across the world, compared to America the Beautiful. Friends and partners make it happen as we share the X-force and the printed comics Galore that keep in step with some niches and specialty collecting. The more the merrier and not as easy as a down the street Local Comic Shop, but who knows, as stranger things have happened.
Happy Collecting!
Especially with some "Wrap-Around Covers", this set is sure to shine, showing the art and writing style of Rob Liefeld and similar artists from the 90's!
The X's have it, by way of forcing their enforcement of timelines, the greater good, and those missions that otherwise take the risks associated with certain mutants that they in turn believe that only they are capable. Lead mostly by Cable, with a few members who go rogue, it was early on that they decided who was fit for the group. Individually they might not amount to too much, as far as their own series or plot points, but Cable being the Force To Reckon, it takes and explains why he becomes the leader. Some are romanced by the idea and some not so much, that when still being conformed to the group have tendencies to become loners. Their example in Cable has taught them as much, but as a leader usually does, only Cable gets away with it causing rips in team building.