Government of Iraq, Law #44 of 1931 (1942-1945 Issue), P16-P23

Rank: 17
Score: 1497
Leading by: 182
Points to Higher Rank: 150
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
8043704-001 Removed -856 14976/27/2023 6:24:21 PM
2085475-001 Added 1497 23536/27/2022 5:54:15 PM
8043704-001 Slot Score Reduced* -28 85611/22/2021 3:06:45 PM
8043704-001 Slot Score Increased* 40 88411/22/2021 2:25:34 PM
8043704-001 Added 844 84410/25/2019 7:43:37 PM
Initial Score 0 010/25/2019 7:41:05 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a note

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