Fifty Cent

Set Type: Fractional Currency 50c Type Set
Owner: Piehole
Last Modified: 10/11/2019
Views: 878

Rank: 7
Score: 4133
Leading by: 638
Points to Higher Rank: 1593
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
8002141-001 Slot Score Increased* 88 413310/11/2019 12:27:46 PM
8002141-002 Slot Score Increased* 32 404510/11/2019 11:08:17 AM
8002141-002 Slot Score Increased* 416 401310/11/2019 9:58:44 AM
1185838-020 Slot Score Increased* 90 359710/10/2019 1:55:03 PM
8002141-001 Slot Score Increased* 566 35078/10/2018 11:11:20 AM
1185838-020 Slot Score Increased* 227 29418/6/2018 12:06:04 PM
8002843-003 Slot Score Reduced* -87 27146/18/2014 7:31:25 PM
1185838-020 Slot Score Reduced* -146 28016/18/2014 7:31:15 PM
8002141-001 Slot Score Reduced* -109 29476/18/2014 7:31:09 PM
8002141-002 Slot Score Reduced* -97 30566/18/2014 7:31:03 PM
1185838-020 Added 692 31533/29/2014 8:45:02 AM
8002843-002 Removed -494 24613/29/2014 8:45:02 AM
8002141-002 Added 983 295511/6/2011 11:37:58 AM
8002415-006 Removed -201 197211/6/2011 11:37:56 AM
8002415-006 Added 201 217311/6/2011 11:37:38 AM
8002141-002 Removed -983 197211/6/2011 11:37:36 AM
8002573-008 Added 298 295511/6/2011 11:31:53 AM
8002415-004 Removed -102 265711/6/2011 11:31:52 AM
8002843-002 Added 494 275911/6/2011 11:31:52 AM
8002415-003 Removed -275 226511/6/2011 11:31:52 AM
8002843-003 Added 360 254011/6/2011 11:28:44 AM
1143287-014 Removed -348 218011/6/2011 11:28:42 AM
Initial Score 2528 25289/25/2010 4:36:53 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a note

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