The Michael T. Ungaro Junta Central Republicana de Cuba Y Puerto Rico, 1869 Issue, P61-P64, Complete, Including Varieties #1

Rank: 6
Score: 1463
Leading by: 385
Points to Higher Rank: 612
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
2297279-023 Added 1463 14636/17/2024 6:57:16 PM
2196004-003 Removed -1078 06/17/2024 6:57:16 PM
2196004-003 Added 1078 10788/23/2023 4:04:51 PM
2086376-001 Removed -692 08/23/2023 4:04:50 PM
2086376-001 Added 692 6924/20/2022 7:34:54 PM
Initial Score 0 04/7/2022 12:15:16 PM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a note

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