The Malaysiana Collection: Japanese Invasion Malaya Specimen

Set Type: Japanese Occupation WWII Set, 1942-1945 Issues, M1-M10, Specimen
Owner: Cho Chun Loong FMNS
Last Modified: 6/16/2022
Views: 133

Rank: 1
Score: 2721
Leading by: 1235
Points to Higher Rank: N/A
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
2057137-016 Added 802 27216/16/2022 9:25:55 AM
1407354-018 Slot Score Reduced* -378 19196/8/2022 1:23:24 PM
1407354-018 Added 2297 22976/8/2022 9:09:29 AM
Initial Score 0 06/8/2022 9:08:18 AM
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a note

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