The "Derocker Collection" 1928-1928F $5 Legal Tender Notes with Stars and Varieties

Set Type: 1928-1928F $5 Legal Tender Notes with Stars and Varieties
Owner: TheRock1
Last Modified: 1/1/2021
Views: 1491

Rank: 2
Score: 44208
Leading by: 604
Points to Higher Rank: 4140
Cert Number
New Score
Date Modified
5014706-012 Added 697 442081/1/2021 5:35:26 PM
2511091-002 Added 640 4351112/25/2020 10:19:56 AM
8039752-024 Removed -579 4287112/25/2020 10:19:56 AM
5014634-001 Added 830 434505/19/2020 12:58:16 PM
8068977-002 Added 1632 426201/30/2020 8:58:09 PM
1105358-001 Added 1632 4262012/4/2019 12:37:09 PM
8047638-020 Slot Score Increased* 70 4098810/4/2019 1:06:13 PM
8062368-009 Added 701 409186/22/2019 9:30:15 PM
8039752-018 Removed -635 402176/22/2019 9:30:15 PM
8039752-003 Slot Score Reduced* -221 408526/12/2019 9:21:45 AM
8039752-002 Slot Score Reduced* -237 410736/12/2019 9:21:17 AM
8039752-001 Slot Score Reduced* -221 413106/12/2019 9:20:53 AM
1080912-004 Added 2460 415313/31/2019 10:03:38 AM
5011968-003 Removed -1654 390713/31/2019 10:03:37 AM
8039752-005 Slot Score Increased* 504 407253/22/2019 12:17:29 PM
8039752-006 Slot Score Increased* 504 402213/22/2019 12:17:06 PM
8033976-035 Slot Score Increased* 350 397172/4/2019 9:56:26 AM
5011968-003 Slot Score Increased* 60 393672/4/2019 9:53:53 AM
8033976-035 Slot Score Reduced* -7228 393072/4/2019 9:53:15 AM
8039752-016 Slot Score Reduced* -2786 465358/13/2018 10:08:14 AM
8039752-016 Slot Score Increased* 2784 493218/13/2018 10:06:12 AM
8033976-035 Slot Score Increased* 7228 465378/13/2018 10:04:17 AM
8039752-014 Slot Score Reduced* -2927 393098/13/2018 9:55:16 AM
8039752-007 Slot Score Reduced* -18 422367/5/2018 1:46:44 PM
8039752-010 Slot Score Reduced* -18 422547/5/2018 1:46:44 PM
8039752-023 Slot Score Reduced* -45 422727/5/2018 1:46:44 PM
8047638-020 Added 1992 423171/13/2018 7:46:25 PM
1600833-005 Removed -1992 403251/13/2018 7:46:25 PM
1602790-025 Added 482 423171/13/2018 7:46:25 PM
8039752-012 Removed -434 418351/13/2018 7:46:25 PM
8039752-015 Slot Score Increased* 2202 4226912/15/2017 4:09:55 PM
8039752-014 Slot Score Increased* 3154 4006712/15/2017 4:09:47 PM
8039752-011 Slot Score Reduced* -18 3691312/15/2017 4:09:32 PM
8039752-009 Slot Score Increased* 267 3693112/15/2017 4:09:08 PM
5011968-003 Slot Score Increased* 1097 3666412/15/2017 4:08:39 PM
8042529-001 Slot Score Increased* 1774 3556712/15/2017 4:08:18 PM
8039752-008 Slot Score Reduced* -18 3379312/15/2017 4:07:38 PM
8039752-020 Slot Score Increased* 156 3381112/15/2017 4:07:24 PM
8039752-021 Slot Score Reduced* -450 3365512/15/2017 4:06:51 PM
8039752-022 Slot Score Reduced* -17 3410512/15/2017 4:06:33 PM
8039752-024 Slot Score Reduced* -263 3412212/15/2017 4:05:35 PM
8039752-002 Slot Score Reduced* -28 3438512/15/2017 4:05:18 PM
8039752-018 Slot Score Reduced* -2313 3441312/15/2017 3:53:05 PM
8039752-017 Slot Score Reduced* -2029 3672612/15/2017 3:52:31 PM
8039752-017 Slot Score Increased* 63 3875512/14/2017 5:00:29 PM
8039752-017 Slot Score Reduced* -85 3869212/14/2017 5:00:29 PM
8039752-020 Slot Score Increased* 25 3877712/14/2017 5:00:29 PM
1600833-005 Slot Score Reduced* -3304 3875212/13/2017 1:17:51 PM
8039752-025 Slot Score Increased* 441 4205612/13/2017 1:15:12 PM
8039752-025 Slot Score Increased* 1181 4161512/13/2017 1:12:57 PM
Page 1 of 4 (177 items)
* Slot score increase/decreases are caused by administrators changing the set definitions or scores for a note

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