Note Scores
Set: Belarus, 1992-Date, Type Set, Issued Notes
Slot: 50 Rublei 2000 Issue P25
Note DescriptionPrAgGVGFVFVF EPQ4040 EPQ4545 EPQ5050 EPQ5353 EPQ5555 EPQ5858 EPQ6060 EPQ6161 EPQ6262 EPQ6363_EPQ64 EPQ65 EPQ66 EPQ67 EPQ68 EPQ69 EPQ70 EPQ
- Old Spelling of 50
5153750 Rublei 2000 Issue BEL25a  3333669991012131617202328313737414247505359626732
2000 (ND 2010)
- New Spelling of 50
4938750 Rublei 2000 Issue BEL25b  3333679991012131617202328313737414247505359626732